WW2 1939 - 1941

  • Reistag Speech

    Hitler threatens the Jews using this speech.
  • Nazi takes over Czechoslovakia

  • Nazis invade Poland

    Nazis invaded Poland because Poland had a lot of Jews
  • Countries declare war on Germany

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand
  • USSR invaded Poland

  • Poland division

    Germany and USSR divide Poland
  • Soviet Union got kicked out

    from the League of Nations
  • Blitzkrig

    This is a surprise attack from the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis won using this.
  • Winston Chuchill became Prime Minister of UK

  • Dunkirk Evacuation

  • Battle of Britain

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Germany's invasion of Soviet Union
  • Operation Crusader

    Allies take Tobruk
  • Pearl Harbour bombing

    USA (to Japan): You dare to challenge me??!!!
    USA: enters war