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By Arxival
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler’s troops invaded Poland. Poland collapsed after
    three weeks.
  • Period: to

    Axis victories

    The germans started to gain a lot of power
  • German army invades most of western Europe

    German army invades most of western Europe
    Principally: Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and northern and western France. Also the germans bombed British ports and cities in the Battle of Britain to prepare for one possible attack. Hitler was forced to abandon the mission.
  • Hitler attacks the USSR

    Hitler attacks the USSR
    This was an extremely significant event, in response, the USSR joined the Allies.
    (false day)
  • Japan destroyed Pearl Harbor

    Japan destroyed Pearl Harbor
    The US enters the war.
    (false day)
  • The Americans stopped Japanese advances in the Pacific

    The Americans stopped Japanese advances in the Pacific
    The allies started reconquering occupied territories.
  • Period: to

    Allied offensives

    The allies started to gain territory.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    It was Hitler's major faliure, The city withstood several months of siege, after which the Germans surrendered.
    After this the USSR striked back and recovered Ukraine and ended the siege.
    (the battle ended in February 1943 and the siege in January 1944)
    (false day)
  • The Allies defeated the germans in Africa

    The Allies defeated the germans in Africa
    In North Africa, the British defeated the Germans. Shortly after, an Allied army landed in French Africa and defeated the Germans in Tunisia (May 1943).
  • Normandy landings

    Normandy landings
    The Normandy landings started the liberation of Europe. Wich brought many weapons and soldiers in french coasts.
    The allies defeated the Germans and began advancing from the west liberating part of France, the URSS started pushing too and liberating Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. during this german cities were subjected to heavy bombings
  • The Allies occupied germany

    The Allies occupied germany
    (false day)
  • Hitler committed suicide

    Hitler committed suicide
  • Germany surrendered.

    Germany surrendered.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Japan continued its fanatical defence, symbolised by the kamikazes and to force it to surrender the US president decided to throw 2 atomic bombs.
    (false day)
  • Period: to

    End of the pacific war

    After 2 nuclear bombings, Japan surrends
  • Japan surrendered

    Japan surrendered