

  • fall of paris

    fall of paris
    Paris was seized by Nazi Germany in 1940 after a storm was conducted by the German Wehrmacht, the french were forced to sign an armistice and become a puppet state for the Nazis. history.com
  • the battle of midway

    the battle of midway
    The us naval forces emerged victorious in a major air-sea battle with the Japanese, a tremendous turning point in the war for the allied forces. bloomsbury.com
  • operation thunderclap

    operation thunderclap
    The operation was a large scale plan by the us to do a mass bombing of Berlin resulting in many German casualties both militant and civilian but ended up becoming a bombing of smaller eastern cities still causing almost irreparable damage. history.com
  • the battle of Okinawa

    the battle of Okinawa
    the battle of Okinawa was a large scale assault on japan by the us 10th army resulting in 60,000 plus casualties by us soldiers, this marked the final island battle before the full scale invasion of japans mainland. pbs.org
  • the Potsdam declaration

    the Potsdam declaration
    The Potsdam declaration was the proclamation of japans surrender to the allied powers in 1945, calling for the removal of all Japanese troops from allied territory and to lay down their arms. history.state.gov