• Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This happened 5 years after the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This ended the war between Germany and Allied Powers. It took 6 months for them to actually to conclude the peace treaty.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    This was a global conflict from 1939-1945 during world war 2. The deadliest conflict known in history. Germany conquered most of Europe.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The attack comes without any warning. The bomb the capital Warsaw without warning and destroy basicly all of Poland. The bombed a total of 1.5 million troops in one area.
  • Munich Peace Conference

    Munich Peace Conference
    This was an agreement permitting the German annexation of Sudetenland. The agreement was in Munich Germany. It was dated the 29th of september.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This was a surprise attack by the Jap. Navy against the US Navel base at Pearl Harbor. The day actually was December 8th if you go by Jap. time! The base was attacked by many things and didnt stand a chance at winning.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    This was a serious battle in WW2. They fought for control over the Soviet Union. It is among the bloodiest war.
  • D-Day (Normandy)

    D-Day (Normandy)
    Invasion of Narmandy in the operation OverLord. The attacks began at 6:30AM. D-Day was the term used for actual landing which was dependent on landing.!
  • Battle of Britain

    This is also known Air Battle for England or Air battle for Great Britain.
  • Korematsu v US

    Korematsu v US
    It was decided on December the 18. Mr.Justice Black told the desicion. Pres.Roosevelt signed this potition.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    This went through August 2 of 1945. People that were involved in this were Harry S Truman, and Winston Churchill. Some of the goals were, establish post war order and peace treaty issues!
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima is one of the largest cities in Chugoku. In history it is best known as the city that got detroyed by an A-Bomb. The Bomb was droped at 8:15 AM.