Germany Invades Poland
Hitler is determined to regain territory Germany had lost at the end of WWI. One of these territories just happend to be Poland. Germany used their blitzkreig tactic and regained control of this region. -
Stalin attacks Finland
Stalin was concerned about Finland being in such close proximity of Leningrad, so he decided to have his troops stationed on the border between the two. Finland did not like this, and intead of with drawing his troops and leaving Leningrad deffenseless, Stalin chose to invade Finland to guarantee safety. -
Battle of Britain
France had surrendered to the Germans. As a result, only the British were left to fight Germany. Winston Churchill official declared that it was not Britain's war. -
Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
Churchill became Prime Minister after Britain's former Prime Minister was voted out of office by Parliment. Churchill brought great military strategies to this country. The people grew to love him, and at his first speech he said, "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -
Germany attcks France
Gemany attacks France because they want to have revenge on them after they blamed Germany for WW1. Germany also knew that on their rise to power, France would try to prevent them from total domination. -
Hitler takes over the Balkans
Hitler took over several Balkan coutries in an attempt to gain territory and power. He did so with the occasional aid of his friend Stalin. -
Hitler attacked Soviet Russia. He did so by attacking from all sides. It was known as a lightning war because the attacks came so rapidly at the Russians and so frequently that they didn't even know what was coming next or when it would stop. -
Lend- Lease Act
Roosevelt decided to lend Britain some of our military surplus weapons to aid their fight against the stronger German army. They had an agreement that the weapons would be returned at the end of the war, and if they were destroyed, they would be paid for. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
The Japanese bomb a military base in Hawaii. The U.S. decides to enter the war after their country has been attacked. -
Formation of the U.N.
26 nations pledge to band together and fight against the Axis powers during WW2. -
Mass numbers of races were executed in and around Germany as ordered by Adolf Hitler. Those killed were mainly Jewish, but many minorities and hadicapted people were killed as well. -
Interment Camps
The U.S. government put Japanese in internment camps in an attempt to block off their communication with their mother country. They did this because of the bombing of Peal Harbor which was carried out by the Japanese. -
McArthur’s plan for Japan
He wanted to prevent the japanese from setting up more naval pases in the Pacific, sooooo his strategy was to island hop which led to the U.S. taking control of the Phillipines. -
Battle of Midway
Japan was used to having a more powerful navy than the U.S., but after the U.S. opened a base is the Pacific they became equals. As a result the two decided to battle it out to see who was stronger and the U.S. won that after bombing Japan. -
Japan and America fought for control of the Guadalcanal which is the water way from Australia to the U.S.. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Germany attacked Stalingrad because they wanted to hinder their communication centers as well as gain control of their oil feilds. During most of this war, it was winter, and the German troops were not used to this harsh weather. As a result, their fighting and energy was very lax, and this gave the Russians just enough time to attack the Germans and drive them out. -
Battle of El Alamein
Rommel and Montgomery battled it out in northern Africa to gain control of the Suez Canal. -
Tehran Confrence
The Allied forces gather together to discus their strategies to fight this war. -
Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, which was in a different location than the Germans expected, in an attempt to gain control of this area and begin their march across Europe to finish off Hitler and his Nazi party. -
Yalta Confrence
FDR, CHurchill, and Stalin, the Allied leaders, met iun Yalta to discus their final plans of attack on Germany. -
F.D.R.'s death
F.D.R. died of polio in Warm Springs, Georgia. -
Mussolini's Assasination
The people of Italy kill Mussolini two years after his downfall. -
Hitler's Suicide
Hitler and his wife Eva commited suicide together shortly after getting married. before they did so, the bid farewll to their loyal companions. THey killed themselves because they claimed that it would be better than living with the fact that some of their best friends had horribly betrayed them and even a few died. they decided that they would bring about their own ends intead of hiding out for the rest of their lives. -
Cold War
The cold war was a war that was never thought but only talked about. The Soviet Union and the U.S. had a nuclear stale mate where they were constantly threatening that one of them was going to attack, BUT neither one ever did. This was a three year "war." -
Potsdam Conference
The Allied powers met in Germany to discus how peace should be brought about towards the start of WWII. They also talked about how they wnated to begin attacking Germany. -
HIroshima & Nagasaki
The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs in Japan within three days of one another, About 215,000 Japanese were killed and 175,000 were injured. The bombs were dropped in hopes fo forcing the Japanese into submission which did happen. -
Nuremberg Trials
Nazi soldiers were prossecuted for their war crimes during WWII. many went to jail or were arrested. -
Marshall Plan
Marshall, Secratary of State, set up a plan to help rebuild western Europe in hopes of stunting the growth of communism. -
Berlin Airlift
Eastern Germany would fly supplies into western germany. -
Berlin Wall
The city of Berlin, Germany was divided after WWII between the country of Germany and Soviet Russia. As a rusult, the east side controlled by Germany was more free to do as they pleased where as the western side was under the communist rule of the Soviets. The people of western Berlin wanted to leave their side of the city to live in the east. To keep the people from doing so, a wall was built as a divider between the two sides of Berlin. This wall later was removed in 1989. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuba had nuclear missiles aimed at the U.s. and threatened to use them. The two countries were in a 13- day stand off until they agreed to not have the missiles aimed.