Ww2 158


By ss17982
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    the pact signed by Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy to settle the crisis over Czechoslovakia, by which the Sudetenland was ceded to Germany
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain took place between August and September 1940. After the success of Blitzkrieg, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrender of France, Britain was by itself. The Battle of Britain remains one of the most famous battles of World War Two. Germnay bombed France and France would not surrender.
  • Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact

    Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact
    In violation of the August 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a treaty of non-aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union, Hitler launches a massive assault, known as Operation Barbarossa, on the Soviet Union. Germany is now fighting a war on two fronts.
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    Event: D-Day invasion
    When: June 6, 1944
    Who: Allies and Europe
    What: This was a surprise attack because Germany believed that the attack was going to happen in Calais but it really was in Normandy
    Where: Normandy Germany
    Why was this significant: this was significant because Germany was defeated.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Event: Battle of the Bulge
    When: December 16, 1944
    Who: Germany, United States
    What: this battle was a major German offence and was toward the end of the War.
    Where: Belgium
    Why was this significant: the allies won this battle
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Event: Yalta conference
    When: Feb. 4-11 1945
    Who: President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain, Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union.
    What: dealing with the fate of Europe, Japan, and the borders of Poland, also the partitioning of Germany and Berlin.
    Where: Yalta in Crimea
    Why this was significant: this conference created the United Nations.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Event: Germany surrenders (VE day)
    When: May 7, 1945
    Who: Germany and the United States
    What: German troops slowly started surrendering but Eisenhower wanted a formal surrender, so on May 7, 1945 he got it.
    Where: Germany, Europe and the United States.
    Why was this significant: this ment that the War in Europe was over.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The trial of the major war criminals by the International Military Tribunal begins at Nuremberg, Germany .The place of the trials was chosen by the Allies. Germany took most of the blame for the war and was being punished for it, despite other countries taking part in it as well.