ww11 timeline Project_Jamez Rogers

  • Operation Barbarossa

  • Japan invades China

  • The Holocaust

  • Non-Aggression Pact

  • Blitzkrieg

  • Battle of Britain

    after hitler took germany conquered europe there was only one major country left, and germany wanted to invade great britain nut first they had to take of there air force so they could prepare for invasion
  • Lend-Lease Act

    this was for providing the united states with military aid to foreign nations during ww11, it gives the president the right to sen d any arms for which congress appointed money to the government, the act permitted the united states to supports its war interest without being overxtended in battle
  • Pearl Harbor

  • Wannsee Conference

  • Bataan Death March

  • Battle of Midway

  • Battle of the Stalingrad

    soviet denfense on the city of stalingrad against germany, nearly 2 million people die and this battle was a turning point in ww11 and favored the allies forces
  • D-Day

  • Battle of the Bulge

    started on december 16 hitler was convinced that a major attack on the allied forces would break them becasue hitler thought that the allied forces werent as strong, so the germans attacked and created a bulge in the allied front line, so thereforeit became known as the battle of the bulge
  • Battle of the Iwo Jima

    iwo jima is a small island, and the capture of iwp jima was a part of the 3 pint plan that america had in mind, dispite the size the iwo jima island always had great tacticle importance
  • Battle of Okinawa

  • V-E Day

    announce the end of ww11 in europe, german genral signed the unconditional surrender document that ended war in europe. so this day is victory in europe day which is caklled V-E Day
  • The bombing of Hiroshima/Nagaski

  • V-J Day

  • Warsaw pact

    this was the response of the soviet union west germany joining NATO, this wasn the offically treaty of friendship, each member of the warsaw memebers had to pledge to defend if they were attacked
  • Germany invades Poland

    germany tore throught the polish military and by the end of the month poland surrendered and poland got captured but germany