Mussolinis facist gov in italy
Mussolini established facist party. in 1921. stressed nationalism and state over individuals. -
Joseph Stalin Totalitarian gov
Focused on agricultural and insustrial growth. Abolishe dprivate farms, responsible for 8m to 13m deaths. -
Mein Kampf
written by hitler. Basic beliefs of Nazism. wanted to unite all germans. -
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Militarists launched suprised attack and seized control of province Manchuria. within months japanese controlled province. -
Storm troopers
Hitlers private army. many unemployed men jojined -
Hitlers rise to power
In 1933 Hitler appointed chancellor. Hitler dismantled weimare repubic replaced with third reich. -
Hitlers Military build up
Pulled Germany out of Lewague of nations. Began a military buildup against treaty of versaillles. -
Mussolini invades Euthiopia
SOldiers stood ready to invade Euthiopia. League simply boycotted Italy;s economy. By may 1936, ethiopia had fallen -
Hitler invades rhineland
Hitler attacked rhineland region bordering france and belgium. -
Francisco Franco
Group of spanish officers led by Franco rebelled against sopanish republic. Revolts broke out all over Spain. Began Spanish Civil War. -
Hitlers Anschluss
German troops marched into Austria un opposed. Unification with Austria was complete. Nothing happened. -
Munich Agreement
Hitler inmvited british prime minister Chamberlain and french premier, said sudetenland was final demand. Signed munich agreement. -
Rome-Berlin Axis
War caused close relationship between Italy and Germany. Signed formal alliance named rome-berlin axis. -
Non Agression Pact
Signed by stalin, Germany and Russia promised to never attack eachother. Divided poland between them. -
German airforce rolled ove rpoland and german tanks raced across polish countryside. invasion was first test of germanys military strategy. Lightning war -
Phony War
FOr months, French and British troops sat on Maginot Line waiting for something to happen. German troops stared back. CAlled phony war -
Britain and France declare war on Germany
After attack on Poland, Frnace and Britain declare war on Germany. WW2 had begun. -
Hitlers invasion of Denmark and Norway
Hitler launched suprise invasion of denmark and norway. to build bases on coast -
HItlers Invasion OF Netherland
Hitler turned against NEtherlands BElgium and Luxembourg, overrun by end of May -
Germany and italys invasion of france
Italy entered war and invaded france from south. June22nd Hitler handed terms of surrender over. -
MArshal Phillipe Petain
Nazi contriolled puppet gov of france run by Petan in Vichy, southern france. -
Battle of Britain
Germans goal to gain total control of skies destroying british air force. RAF fought back using radar. GErman bombers continued pounding british cities. -
Pearl Harbor Attack
Jap divebomber swooped over us naval base pearl harbor and dropped bombs. -
BAttle of the Atlantic
German aim ion battle of atlantic was to prevent food and materials from reaching GB and Soviet Union. -
US convoy system
Allies organized cargo ships into convoys. Convoys were groups of ships traveling together for mutual protection. -
BAttle of Stalingrad
HItler hoped to capture soviet oil fields. The GErman Airforce began by nightly bombing Stalingrad. GErman commander surrendured january1 1943. SOviet victory marked turning point. -
Bloody Anzio
lasted 4 months. 25000 and 30000 alied and axis casualties. Hitler was determined to stop allies in Italy Ended 1944 Germany close to collapse -
unconditional surrender
Roosevelt Churchill and commanders met in Casablanca. At this meeting the leaders agreed to accept only the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. -
Plan to attack Normandy in NOrthern France. German retaliation was brutal. -
BAttle of the Bulge
GErman tanks broke past american defenses. Hitler hoped british and american forces would split. Tanks drove into allie territory.Germans had been pushed back. -
Death of HItler
Hitler shot himself and his wife swallowed poison. -
On april 12 roosevelt didnt live to see ve day, he died and Harry truman became nation's 33rd preisdent -
V-E Day
Allies celebrated vicotry in Europe day. war in europe was over.