Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Key War Event
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was heir to the then Austria-Hungary Empire. During this time many countries were taking over parts of Africa. This assassination took place in Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist. Because of this assassination, the whole war spiraled out and this is the main cause of WW1. Without the assassination, the war would not have happened like how it did. -
First battle of the Marne Key War Event
The first battle of the Marne was the French and the British, against the Germans. The battle happened after the Germans invaded Belgium. This battle consisted of many different plans and counterattacks. This battle was very thought out compared to many others. Towards the end of the battle, the victory went to the British, and the French. -
Lusitania Sinks Key War Event
The sinking of the Lusitania is one of the main causes of the United States entering into the war. The Lusitania was a very large ship that was made for the passenger trade. The reason why sinking the Lusitania was such a big topic was because many innocent people were killed, including Americans. The ship was attacked by the Germans because they thought it was justified to kill people because it was their enemy. -
Air Raid Veteran Event
On this night there was an air raid in Paris where Clara was stationed. She talks about how scared she was, this nurse is originally from America, so to experience something like that in a whole new country would be so scary. She also talks about if it was not for one of the soldiers, she would be dead. Where Clara was standing, looking out at the window, after she moved, a huge plane crashed right where she was. I think in this instance she was very lucky to not be crushed by the said plane. -
Italy and the first World War Personal Interest Topic
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. Alliance was formed for fear of France and Russia. Once Germany was aware that France and Russia were reinforcing their troops, Germany actually declared war on them. Everyone in Italy thought to stay out of the war so they made the choice to not follow the agreement, in the end, they got pressured into joining for financial, reasons, In the end, the people from Italy suffered from many casualties and overall reached 300,000. -
Germany declares war on Portugal Personal Interest Topic
Right as the Portuguese joined the allies, Germany decided to declare war on them. Portugal being as small as it is was very helpless against them. During this time Portugal’s army really only had about 33,000 men. Portugal used their navy and was given orders to seize the Germans. The Portuguese army ended up with 7,000 men dead. In the end, they were treated very poorly. -
Zimmerman Telegram Key War Event
The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram that was decrypted by the British, and then given to the United States. The telegram consisted of a possibility that Mexico and Germany were forming an alliance. The telegram offered the U.S land for that Mexico joined the Germans. This telegram changed how the war was now being portrayed. From this telegram being sent, the U.S joined the war which soon ended -
American Red Cross Personal Interest Topic
The Red Cross started off very small and could only help a small number of people due to the lack of supplies. During the war when the U.S was not yet involved, the red cross could barely get one ship over to Britain. When the U.S finally declare war, that is when the Red Cross finally became a big deal. At this moment of time, people were very focused on supporting their country. To this day the Red Cross helps with many things from wars, natural disasters, and even the spread of epidemics. -
U.S Enters War
America entered the war with our allies Britain, France, and Russia. Before we decided to join, we voted to stay neutral. At the time Germany was very determined to win and started going into unrestricted water war-zones. Essentially Germany was just getting bigger and bigger, leading to the U.S having to step in to defeat them. Another reason we decided to join was because of the telegram that the Germans sent Mexico to be allies and the sinking of Lusitania. -
Joining the Army, and the Red Cross Veteran Event
During this interview, Clara talks about how after America decided to join the war, she and her friend originally decided to go to Milwaukee but were told that the unit was all filled up. She also wanted to go into foreign services, but then was put into home services. After Clara entered, soldiers were already getting sent to the base which was Camp Custer. These soldiers had strep pneumonia and they were in bad shape. Following the soldiers, Clara then got sick and had a bad fever of 106°. -
Women during WW1 Personal Interest Topic
After the U.S joined the war many jobs need women to take over due to the lack of men. Many of the women went into work for the factories. Most of the factories during this time were used to make ammunition for the war. During this time not only was it a huge deal for these women to take over jobs that were reserved for only the men. This has helped the world we live in now because without this we would not have had that amount of power at that time we would still be evolving. -
Helping French Soldiers, And Bastille Day Veteran
Clara talks about treating a wounded soler that was born in the U.S but went back to fight with the Germans. She also shared how they would get so tired and how some days they would separate the units and send them to other places. Clara got sent to Paris, where not many soldiers were. She says how the french patients were evacuated, and how out of the 3,000 beds that were at the hospital, only a couple hundred were actually used. During this, she also shares about Bastille Day and the memories. -
Working at a Hospital, Facially Disfigured Soldiers
Clara during this time was working in a surgery going through 16-hour workdays. The days would be long and busy. She would see soldiers with boy parts missing and all discombobulated. She had to help a man that had to have constant care and even had to be fed by a tube. While Clara was there she says that some people even had to have their whole face redesigned due to how much destruction there was. -
New York Training, Evacuation Drill Veterans
For six weeks Clara was in New York City training at the facility, getting ready to ship out to France. During this time they had not been in any uniform and they were still in what were the average clothes. Clara said that in the mornings she would see thousands of nurses, helping people from small injuries to big ones. Clara also says that the nurses that were there were so diverse in their own ways from farmers to elegant people. She says that they were sending the nurses two by two. -
Paris Peace Conference Personal Interest Topic
After Armistice was signed, the people agreed that conferences would be held to have meetings about the post-war world. There was a representation of 75% of the world's population. These conferences only lasted for around a year. The conferences brought the resolution to too many problems, and five treaties came from these conferences. The treaties overall helped with financial, and military problems.