WW1 Timeline Project

  • WW1 Timeline

  • Assanition of Archduke Franz Ferdiand

    Assanition of Archduke Franz Ferdiand
    Archduke Franz Ferdiand was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bonsia. He was their inspecting his troops when all the sudden he had a miss assaniation attempt by a group of terriost called the Black Hand. Afterwards, he took the wrong turn down a street and supprisngly there was a member of the Black Hand and he shot him dead. The man that shot him down went by the name of Gavrillo Pricip.
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdiand. It sprung many countries into a giant fued. Due to the Archduke having many alliances, over the course of 6 days almost every Major country in Europe was at war with eachother.
  • Battle of the Marne

    Battle of the Marne
    German forces were able to get within 10 Kilometers of Paris. In a desperate attmept, French and British launched a counter attack along the Marne River. They sent 6,000 troups via 700 Taxis up along the river and succesfully pushed the Germans back. Over 100,000 thousand soilders died.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    A silent christmas eve in the trenches. When all the sudden both the germans and british soilders both start singing christmas carlos back and forth. The morning of christmas, the soilders take the risk to go over and make a truce with the enemy. Both sides are more than happy to speak to eachother and share food, stories, and even have a game of soccer together. Although, they did have to return back to their trenches, they would never forget the day they had meals and laughs with the enemy.
  • German Threatens the World

    German Threatens the World
    Germany unleashes their total war. They threaten to sink any and all nearby ships. Even those of nuetral countries they would shoot down. This raised the stakes of the war causing many people to dislike Germany even more. This made them view Germany as monsters that had to be stopped.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    French and British troops invade the Gallipoli peninsula in an attempt to weaken the ottoman empire. French and British soilders failed in their attempt to weaken them and had to withdraw their troops. The attempt costed them 180,000 troops.
  • Germany Sinks HMS Lustinia

    Germany Sinks HMS Lustinia
    In attempts to cut off muntions and supplies to the British, the Germans pull a very risky move. Germany sinks a ship they believe to be smuggling these supplies with a torpedo. During this attack, they ended up killing American lives aboard this ship. This deeply angered to U.S, giving Germany a huge threat saying they may join the war if this type of aggression continues.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germany launched its biggest assult yet. Their only goal in this whole offensive attack is just to weaken the French Military. This was the most bloody and longest lasting battles of the war, almost having 1 million causalities.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    In attempt to draw off forces from the battle of Verdun, British and French forces launch a joint opperation. This battle also ended up being one of the bloodiest battles in all of history causing many lives of young men to die. In the end, the Allied Powers successfully drawed away the Germans completeing their mission.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    In attempts to keep the U.S out of the war, Germany sends a desperate message to Mexico. They offer Mexico a deal to where if they join the war to help the Germans fend off the Americans, in return they would help Mexico regain the land they lost to the U.S in the Mexican American war. When the U.S found out about this message they become inflamed in anger and it pushes them to join the war.
  • America Joins the war

    America Joins the war
    The Americans are inflamed in anger after what the Germans had done to them. The sinking of the Vessel killing American lives and the Zimmerman telegram both threatened democracy all over the world. This being the case, the President had no choice but to join the war to keep America safe and protected.
  • Russia Leaves the War

    Russia Leaves the War
    Due to Industrialization never hitting the country of Russia, the troops were not prepared for whats to come. Russians were killed instantly and put up no fight and the Central Powers on the eastern front won with ease. This being the case, the Russian government had no choice but to sign a treaty with the Central Powers, and just like that, the Russians were out of the war.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    After leving the War, the people of Russia realized how unprepared their country was. Due to this, the Russian people overthrew the Monarchy in Russia and sought to replace it with a more powerful form of government. They replaced Russia with a more powerful government and were now known offically as the USSR.
  • Signing of the Armistice

    Signing of the Armistice
    After a vital breakthrough by the French, America, and British using tanks and all means necessary. They were chipping away at German army pushing them further and further back. Germans being helpless, they met with French forces and made an agreement on an Armistice was signed. This stopped all German hostillities and within hours, the fighting had stopped.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    Nearly a year after the fighting was stopped, it was time to come up with the terms and punishment for Germany. They were forced to reduce their military,give up all taken land, and even lost certain trade partners. They were also forced to pay French back any money they needed to rebuild for the damage they caused in France. Finally after 5 years, the war was over.