ww1 timeline project

  • The assassination of archduke franz ferdinand

    The assassination of archduke franz ferdinand
    on june 28, 1914 Franz Ferdinand with his wife in his car were assassinated by a member of the black hand Gavrilo Princip.
  • World War 1 starts

    World War 1 starts
    on July 28 Austria Hungray declares war on Serbia for the assassination.
  • The Breakout

    The Breakout
    after Hungary declared war on Serbia Germany declares war on Russia, France, and Belgium. and from there a whole war circle formed and all hell broke loose
  • the battle of Marne

    the battle of Marne
    the Battle of Marne begins, germans advance to France but is fortified so the germans dug up the river and that's were trench wafare begins and the western front is established
  • The Battle of Ypres begins

    The Battle of Ypres begins
    first battle of ypres begins and was fought on the western front. germans fought the french in this battle
  • an allied attack

    an allied attack
    Britain and France declare war on the ottoman empire
  • the second battle of ypres

    the second battle of ypres
    germans introduce chemical warfare in this battle against the french this chemical warfare cause a total of over 1 million casualties and 91,000 fatalities
  • Lusitania is sunken

    Lusitania is sunken
    Lusitania gets torpedoed by a german U-boat with nearly 1,200 casualties including 128 U.S citizens
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    the battle of verdun takes place for the next 10 months one of the most deadly wars of the period as over 700,000 casuilties with over 300,000 killed
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    was a battle made for distracting Germany from the battle of Verdun little did the British know it would be the bloodiest day of history as over 20,000 people were killed in a day
  • tsar Nicholas overtakes

    tsar Nicholas overtakes
    russians overthrow their previous leader and tsar Nicholas overtakes the thrown and withdraws Russia from the war as there were to many casualties
  • U.S enters the war

    U.S enters the war
    U.S due to hearing about the Zimmerman telegraph enters and declares war against Germany
  • The first treaty

    The first treaty
    this day was when the first treaty, the treaty of Brest-litovsk
  • A sign of peace

    A sign of peace
    after the conflict with Germany and the U.S. Germany and its allies conclude an armistice.
  • The treaty of versallies

    The treaty of versallies
    the war concludes to an end as the treaty of versallies is signed