ww1 timeline

  • 19,165 BCE

    May 31 1916

    battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets
  • 1916 BCE

    july 1 1916

    july 1 1916
    allied offensive begins the battle of the somme
  • 1914 BCE

    june first 1014

  • 1914 BCE

    july 28 1914

    austria hungary war on serbia beginning world war 1
  • august 10 1914

    austria-hungary invades Russia
  • August 2-7 1914

    germany invades luxembourg and belgium. france invades alsace.
  • september 9 1914

    allied forces halt german advance into france during battle on marne
  • february 18 1915

    naval blockade of great britian
  • april25 1915

    allied forces on the ottoman empire
  • may 7 1915

    may 7 1915
    german submarine sinks
  • may 23 1915

    declares war on austria hungary
  • December 18 1916

    battle of Verdun ends
  • febraury 3 1917

    united states sever diplomatic relations with Germany.
  • April 6 1917

    the united states declares war on germany
  • june 7 1917

    june 7 1917
    newly elected commander of the American forces.
  • june 24 1917

    american combat forces arrive in france
  • December 15 1917

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
  • january 8 1918

    january 8 1918
    president Woodrow Wilson presents to Congress his outline of fourteen points required for peace.
  • febraury 8 1918

    the stars and stripes begins publications with first issue.