WW1 Timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was in a town called Bosnia. Then somebody throw a bomb but missed. But then the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed. The United States decided to stay out of the war
  • Country's have allies

    Country's have allies
    Great Britain starts war Germany. 5 country's join Great Britain such as Canada and India. The US declared themselves Neutral
  • May 7 1915

    May 7 1915
    A German boat blows up a British passenger ship and killed 1,201 people. The US President sends stuff to protest Germany
  • November 7 1916

    November 7 1916
    The United States elects the same president and said to Keep us out of the war
  • January 19 1917

    January 19 1917
    The British intercepted a note from a guy named Alfred Zimmermann. On that note was alliance plans that the German were going to team up with Mexico.
    This brought in the US because Zimmermann has sent a help note to the president Roosevelt.
  • April 6 1917

    April 6 1917
    The US had to declare war on Germany
  • June 25 1917

    June 25 1917
    The 1st American troops landed in France.
  • May 16 1918

    May 16 1918
    The US signed a piece of paper called the Sedition Act. This was to protect Americans in the war
  • November 11 1918

    November 11 1918
    At about 5:00 in France. All day long, The France battled the Germans. With the US, it had Ended the war
  • June 28 1919

    June 28 1919
    In some palace in France, They had signed a treaty that proved that the war had ended