WW1 timeline

  • WW1 Timespan

    Global war from July 1914- November 1918
  • Lusitania

    A British ocean liner that got sunk on may 7, 1915
    1,198 casualties
  • First woman elected into congress

    Jeanette Rankin
    House of Representatives
  • Great migration

    Movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural south to the urban north east.
    Started 1916 and ended around 1970
  • Lenin’s Russian revolution

    Leader of Russia from 1917-1924
  • Selective service act

    Ages from 21-30 had to register for military services
  • Espionage act

    Criminalized anything negative that was said about the US government or military
  • Influenza epidemic

    Caused by an H1N1 disease
    Killed more people than the great war
  • Wilson’s 14 Points

    A proposal of the things he had set for the future to prevent something bad to happen to our world again
  • Sedition act

    Designed to protect America’s participation in WW1
  • Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    Senate rejected this treaty because they did not want too many allies, and once war would happen they did not want to be forced to help if they were allies
  • Schneck vs. US

    He violated the 13th amendment due to prohibition against involuntary servitude.
  • 19th amendment

    Women were granted the rights to vote
  • KKK

    Founded 1920
    Genocidal terrorist organization
  • Negro league

    Baseball league was found by Rube foster
  • Historic terrorist attack

    A giant cart was carrying an explosive and it detonated on the busiest street of wall street and it was the worst attack in US history at the time.
  • Teapot dome scandal

    It was a bribery scandal involving the president Warren Harding.
  • Great Depression

    The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.
  • First ever Yo-yo

    Pedro Flores, a Filipino immigrant to the United States, opened the Yo-yo Manufacturing Company in Santa Barbara, California on April 26th .
  • Presidency of Woodrow Wilson

    28th president
    Served from 1913-1922