WW1 timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    in June of 1914 Austro-Hungarian declares war on Serbia and the United States cares becuase it started a war.
  • United States declares its neutrality

    United States declares its neutrality
    in August of 1914 the United States declares its neutrality and the United States cares because it involves them
  • Lusitania Shark

    Lusitania Shark
    in May of 1915 a german u boat sank a British ship called the lusitania and in 18 minutes it sank and 128 americans died. american cares becuase their own people died.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    In November of 1916 american voters would re-elect woodrow wilson as president and the united states cares because they are voting for a president to lead the country
  • Alfered Zimmermann

    Alfered Zimmermann
    in January of 1917 a british intercepted a telegram sent by the germans outlining the plans and it said that they would be retrieving the territories that were part of mexico
  • America Enters

    America Enters
    In April of 1917 america would declare war on germany sending them into battle and america cares becuase they are the ones going into war.
  • French Mutiny

    French Mutiny
    In june of 1917 the first ever american troops land in france. and america cares because it is there troops
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    people passed the act to protect america in the war
  • Armistic ends fighting

    Armistic ends fighting
    IN November of 1918 the germans signed a paper that said we will fight at 11:00 am and at 11:00 am artlity eputed and soldiers were claiming that they got the last shot of the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    In june of 1919 german would sign a treaty saying that the war would be over. the treaty would contain 230 pages.