ww1 timeline

  • Period: to


  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination
    Gavrillo Princip, a member of a Bosnian Serb nationalst group, assassinated Achuduke Ferdinad.
  • War starts

    War starts
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, this is the beginning of WW1.
  • Russia gets invloved

    Russia gets invloved
    Austria-Hungary decides to invade Russia, this gets Russia involved in the war.
  • Britain, France vs Ottoman Empire

    Britain, France vs Ottoman Empire
    Britain and France declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    Germans advanced within 30 miles of Paris but the French send reinforcements, and this is when trench-warfare begins.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    German armies use chemical warfare by launching chlorine on Allied trenches.
  • Germans sink Lusitania

    Germans sink Lusitania
    German submarines sink the Lusitania during crossing from NY to Liverpool, England, which kills 128 Americans.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    German vs France armies, French villages are wiped, and there are still shells in this area.
  • US vs Germany

    US vs Germany
    US declares war on Germany dude to the submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram.
  • Battle at sea

    Battle at sea
    The British and German ships fight with their battleships out at sea.
  • First Battle of the Somme

    First Battle of the Somme
    The British offense draws Germans attention from Verdun, killing 20,000.
  • Tanks

    British tanks are used to rip through the German defense, tanks were introduced for the first time.
  • Soviet and Central power peace

    Soviet and Central power peace
    The Soviet government concludes a separate peace with the Central Power.
  • Germany and the Allies conclude an armistice

    Germany and the Allies conclude an armistice
    A group of hard-core militarists, led by Erich Ludendorff, would perpetuate a myth claiming Germany had been stabbed in the back.
  • War is over

    War is over
    Allied and German representatives sign The Treaty of Versailles, the US signs the treaty of gurarnty.