
WW1 Summative 1914-1918

  • Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 1

    Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 1
    On June 28th, 1914, Sarajevo welcomed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and The Archduchess to take a tour around in their four-car motorcade and suddenly a grenade was thrown from the crowd no one was hurt except Ferdinand's feeling he was outraged that he comes here to visit but he gets bombs thrown at him. A little while later a 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip stepped in front of the car shooting two bullets.
  • Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 2

    Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 2
    Sophia was hit first but only injured but Franz was also shot he died in a matter of seconds his last words were stay alive Sophia for the kids. They both die on the way to the hospital. After this Brittan immediately declared war on Germany which led to the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente going to war for years.
  • Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 3

    Franz Ferdinand's Assassination 1914 Part 3
    The Black Hand the terrorist group who organized this assassination wanted to send this world into chaos putting everybody against each other. While they sat back trying to ignite this even further but they did not know it was going to lead to a World war.
  • War Measures Act Part 1

    War Measures Act Part 1
    The Canadian passed the War Measures Act on August 22, 1914 The War Measure Act was signed to say we are at war here is what is allowed and not allowed. With this act in place, war broke out it was The Triple Entente vs Triple Alliance the war will end in 1920. But the Act was soonly betrayed Germany started to use gas after this took place the war was a no holds bard anything was allowed and everything was used. The War Measures Act ended in 1972.
  • War Measures Act Part 2

    War Measures Act Part 2
    The reason they wanted to make this war even and wanted to make sure there were a few things left out. The start of this war was controlled chaos.
  • Interments Camps 1915

    Interments Camps 1915
    During ww1 in Canada, you would be sent off to a camp if you were an alien In roughly 1915 if you had a family member’s blood from Germany or Austria- Hungry you were sent off to Interments camps. Because you were considered an alien or an illegal. At these camps, you were forced to do labour as a punishment for your family. The reason they did this was because these people were considered a spy or an alien and with the war, they could not take any chances.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 1

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 1
    Canada took Vimy Ridge from Germany on April 9, 1917 Before that day Germany was in control of Vimy Ridge. With this Germany had a great vantage point they could see a lot. There were a few failed attempts to take Vimy Ridge by France and British forces. Then Canada was called into the war. General Arthur Currie spent months on a plane to take Vimy from Germany finally he had a plan.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 2

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 2
    Over 100,000 Canadian soldiers pushed Vimy for the first time in history all four Canadian divisions were working together. They took it by launching artillery to blind the German’s vision and dealing damage to their troops and finally Canada was at Vimy. That day more German prisoners and weapons were taken than the entire war this day will go down as the biggest moment for Canada in the war.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 3

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 Part 3
    The reason for this because The Triple Entente needed to take Vimy from Germany because if Germany had kept Vimy they would have won the war and killed more soldiers. But since Canada won they were able to get a tactical advantage.
  • The Halifax Explosion Part 2

    The Halifax Explosion Part 2
    A confirmed of 1782 deaths over 9 thousand injured and most of Halifax’s was in ruins and all the resources onboard both ships and in the buildings were gone. The reason The Mont-Blanc did not indicate having explosives on board was to ensure that the German U-boats don’t
  • The Halifax Explosion

    The Halifax Explosion
    The Explosion in Halifax happened on December 6, 1917 On December 6th, 1917 two boats were going to the same place to doc both ships were full of resources for the men oversea. At 8:45 am the SS Imo and SS Mont-Blanc collide. Everyone started to run down to the crash to see what happened Not knowing that Mont-Blanc was armed to the tees with explosives. Not even 20 minutes later The Mont-Blanc exploded all structures in a half a mile radius were destroyed.
  • Romanov Assassination Part 2

    Romanov Assassination Part 2
    The reason this family was killed was because of Rasputin he had convinced that the Romanovs were the enemy because of the wife she was a German.
  • Romanov Assassination Part 1

    Romanov Assassination Part 1
    July 17, 1918, in Ipatiev House, Russia the Romanovs were killed. The entire country has turned on The Romanov family the royal family of Russia. They had to run because of the chaos back home so they went there safe house guards surrounded the place there were sniper towers. But one day it was a normal day and they heard a gunshot so they ran down to the basement. Not too much longer later they were found and killed but two of their body were buried a few meters from the house.