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  • Trench Warfare Begins

    Trench Warfare Begins
    The Western Front in Europe stabilized during the aftermath of the battle of Ypres. In the battle of Falkland, British Navy warships destroy a German squadron. German admiral Graf Von Spee & his sons who also served in the Squadron were killed. The French then began a list of attacks all along the Western front. The French failed to make any headway and are soon to be suspended. Then a “Christmas True occurs” between the British and German soldiers in the Northern France trenches.
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    John Joseph Brennons Service

    John Joseph served his time in France, and Belgium suffered endless amounts of mud and rain. Also including shelling, body lice, ( called "cooties"), and mustard gas attacks.
  • The Archdukes last day

    The Archdukes last day
    Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Austria declared war on Serbia. Events unfold like, Germany declares war on Russia. Austria has allied with Germany and Russia is allied with Serbia. Germany declares war on France they are also allys of Russia. That began the invasion of Belgium which was neutral. This all unfolds on August 4th when Great Britain ( an ally of France) declares war against Germany. President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would remain neutral.
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    The battle of Tannenburg

    The battle of Tannenberg. German troops are under the new command of Paul Von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff. The Germans drive the Russians out of East Prussia. The casualties were heavy and it elevated them to heroes. Japanese forces landed on the coast of China and were preparing to attack the German Naval base. Located at Tsingtao. Then a month later the Japanese then began to occupy the Caroline, Marshall, and the Mariana Islands.
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    U- Boat Warfare has Begun

    Germany started the first U-boat Campaign. Unrestricted attacks arouse anger from the U.S. because Americans are being killed, even though we wanted to remain neutral. In March, The British Navy then “imposes” an entire sea block on Germany. The Russians capture/kidnap 120,000 Austrians at Przemysl in Galicia. Now into April British troops are in Mesopotamia to “fend off an attack of large proportions by the Turks to and against Basra.
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    The Second Battle of Ypres

    This is the first time that poisonous gas is used on the Western Front. The Germans then release chlorine gas from around and over 5,000 cylinders. This causes a poisonous green cloud to form that began to drift. Into the month of May, the German U-Boats sink the Tanker Gulflight, the first boat to sink on the American side.
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    The Battle of Somme

    The allies started a week-long artillery bombardment of the German positions by the Somme River, in France. The British then suffered the worst single day in their history. With the death toll rising to 18,000 soldiers killed on only the first day of the battle. In August Italy declares war on Germany. Germany’s economy is now under the rule of the Hindenburg Plan. Moving to October Germany has just founded the German Air Force as other Air fighting groups come out of the works.
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    The Russian Revolution

    A large protest has begun that then leads to a revolution. The Romanov Dynasty is brought to an end by abdication. After that Great Britain, France, the United States, and Italy hope Russia will stay in the war. On the Western Front in France, the Germans are planning a strategic “withdrawal”. British combat pilots now have a 50 percent casualty rate.
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    America Enters the War

    President Wilson gives a speech in front of Congress stating “the world must be made safe for democracy”.
    Four days later America declares war on Germany, therefore officially making its way into the war. The British have one of their most successful days in a while and are making advances fast. Although things go somewhat downhill and British casualties are at 150,000 while Germans lose 100,000.
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    Last Shots Fired

    The hour was 5:10 am in a railway car it was signed by the Germans. The Armistice, the very last shots of the war were fired with about 2,000 casualties all day by both sides. There was an attempt to overthrow Germany’s provisional government. The Paris peace conference takes place as well as Germany's first-ever nationwide election. The League of Nations was founded on April 28th. The Germans proceeded to sink 74 of their own warships.
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    The Treaty of Versailles

    At the Palace of Versailles, a German Delegation will sign the treaty to officially end the war. The treaty contained 230 pages and had many terms. Adolf Hitler and his groups are sent to investigate a small political group. He then proceeds to join and the name is later changed to Nazi. This opposed the Treaty of Versailles and is taken as “a stab in the back”. Germans soon fall for Hitler and he leads the Nazis.