WW1 History Project

  • Battle of Stalluponen

    Where: Eastern Front
    Who Fought: Russian and German armies
    Description: The Germans conducted a successful counterattack against four Russian infantry divisions from different infantry corps, which heavily outnumbered them but were separated from each other, creating a gap between the 27th Infantry Division and the 40th Infantry Division, and had little coordination with each other.
    End Result: German Success
    1,297 casualties following Battle of Gumbinnen two days later
  • Battle of Gumbinnen

    Where: Gusev, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia
    Who Fought: Russia vs Germany
    Description: Signalling the first major offensive on the Eastern Front, and following an initial action by the German Eighth Army at Stalluponen on 17 August 1914, the Battle of Gumbinnen was initiated by Eighth Army's commander General von Prittwitz, during the early hours of 20 August.
    End Result: Russian victory, German retreat
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Who Fought: Russia vs Germany
    Description: Combined forces of the poles and Lithuanians against the order of the Teutonic Knights. The poles and Lithuanians brought to the field of a enormous army while the kites were primarily aided by German merchants.
    End Result: Almost complete destruction of the Russian second army. German Victory, 13,000 casualties.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    Where: Paris
    Who Fought: Germany vs Allies of France and Britain
    Description: French army and the British expeditionary force against the advancing Germans who had invaded Belgium and the northeastern France.
    End Result: Allied victory against German army
    French casualties-250,000 British casualties-12,733
  • Battle of Ypres

    Where: Belgium city of Ypres
    Who Fought: German and the Allied armies
    Description: British, French and Belgian troops were outnumbered by the Germans who were trying to get to the English Channel. The Allies won the battle after 34 days of fighting, it started trench warfare on the western front.
    End Result: 8,050 killed 29,170 wounded 10,545 missing Total: 46,765. The Germans Victory
  • Christmas Truce

    Where: Western Front
    Description: French, German and British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and talk.
  • 2nd Battle of Ypres

    Where: western Belgium
    Who Fought:
    Description:Began when the Germans disrupted a planned Allied offensive.A German poison-gas attack,the first on the western front,demoralized the Allied Troops and created a large gap in their lines,but the Allies retrieved the situation after a bitter struggle.
    End Result: 35,000 killed, wounded or missing.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Where: hills north of Verdun-sur-Meuse in north-eastern France
    Who Fought: German and French armies
    Description: The Battle of Verdun in 1916 was the longest single battle of World War One. The casualties from Verdun and the impact the battle had on the French Army was a primary reason for the British starting the Battle of the Somme in July 1916 in an effort to take German pressure off of the French at Verdun.
    End result: Germany won. 337,000 total casualties
  • Battle of Jutland

    Where:North Sea
    Who Fought: British Navy vs German Navy
    Description: Involving some 250 ships and 100,000 men, only major naval surface engagement of World War I. When the main warships met, British Admiral John Jellicoe maneuvered his boats to take advantage of the fading daylight, scoring dozens of direct hits that eventually forced German Admiral Reinhard Scheer into retreat.
    End Result:Both sides claimed victory, though Britain retained control of the North Sea.
  • Battle of Somme

    Where: River Somme in France
    Who Fought: British and French empires against the German Empire.
    Description: 1916 Battle of the Somme. After two years of trench warfare, the Allies attempt to break through German lines on the Western Front. The ensuing battle will last for months and result in more than one million casualties.
    End Result: British Commander in Chief Sir Douglas Haig calls a halt to his army's offensive near the Somme River in northwestern France ending the battle.
  • U.S. Entry to WW1

    Description: Unrestricted attacks German submarines were making on american ships.
    End Result: 35 Americans killed in 3 ship sinking no immediate military or economic impact
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Where: France
    Who Fought: Canadian Corps vs German Sixth Army.
    Description: The assault on Vimy Ridge, the northern part of the wider battle of Arras, began at 5:30 am on Easter Monday, April 9, 1917. It was the first occasion on which all four divisions of the Canadian Corps attacked as a composite formation.
    End Result: was the first major step from Canada being just another British colony to becoming an equal member of the British Commonwealth. 30,000–45,000 casualties
  • Third Battle of Ypres

    Where:Western Front
    Who Fought: Allies against the German Empire
    Description: Passendale, a Belgian village in the Zonnebeke municipality of West Flanders province. The Battle of Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres, Flandernschlacht and Deuxième Bataille des Flandres) was a major campaign of the First World War, fought by the Allies against the German Empire.
    End Result: 275,000 casualties. In 1918, all the ground gained there by the Allies was evacuated in the face of a looming German assault.
  • Battle of Caporetto

    Where: near town of Kobarid
    Who Fought: A-H and German Empire vs Italy
    Description:A-H forces reinforced my German units were able ti break into the Italian front line a rout the Italian forces opposing them.
    End Result: Victory for central powers and 300,000 casualties, 265,000 prisoners. Contributed to the formation of the Allied Supreme War Council.
  • 2nd Battle of Marne

    Where: Western Front
    Who Fought: German First, Third, Seventh and Ninth Armies
    Description: the last major German offensive on the Western Front during the First World War. The attack failed when an Allied counterattack by French and American forces, including several hundred tanks, overwhelmed the Germans on their right flank, inflicting severe casualties
    End Result: Starting with the Last German Offensive of the Great War and Becoming the Allies' First Victorious Offensive of 1918
  • Armistice

    Who Fought: Between the Allies and Germany
    Description: which it was signed – and the agreement that ended the fighting on the Western Front.
    End Result: marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany