
WW1 Frank Luke Jr.

  • The beginning of WW1

    The beginning of WW1
    Archduke Franz Ferninand and his wife were assassinated by Garrilo Princip
  • President Woodrow Wilson

    President Woodrow Wilson
    U.S President Woodrow Wilson announces that the U.S will remain neutral
  • United Kingdom

    United Kingdom
    U.K announces the north sea is a military effectively blocking any materials from entering Germany
  • Christmas Truce (Unofficial)

    The unofficial christmas truce was declared.
  • Germany declares warzone

    Germany declares warzone around Great Britain, Creating a submarine blockade were even neutral ships had a chance of being sunk.
  • The Second Battle of Yres

    The Second Battle of Yres begins, this is when germans first used poison gas.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun begins, this was the longest and bloodiest battle of WW1
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme begins, tanks are first introduced in this battle.
  • Frank earns his wings

    Frank earned his wings
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany sends "Zimmerman Telegram" to mexico hoping they would aid in there side of the war, Great Britain intercepted it and decoded it.
  • Lieutenant Luke

    Lieutenant Luke
    Frank became commisioned to Second Lieutenant.
  • German Flying ace shot down

    German Flying ace, Baron Manfred Von Richthofen(also known as the "Red Baron") was shot down.
  • Frank joins a division

    Frank joins a division
    Frank joined the 27 Aero Squadron
  • Period: to

    Frank's amazing record

    Frank (and sometimes Wehner) shot down 14 German balloons and 4 German aircrafts.
  • Wehner's death

    Wehner's death
    Wehner was shot down aiding in shooting down German observation balloons with Frank Luke jr.
  • Frank luke Jr's death

    Frank luke Jr's death
    Frank jr. weas shot at and forced to land roughly. Frank was surrounded by German troops and held of with a pistol until he himself was shot. He was awarded the medal of honor for his services after his death was discovered.