Period: to
Assasinatiom of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand and Sophie (his wife) were touring Sarajevo in an open car, with little security, when Serbian nationalist Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a bomb at their car. It rolled off the back of the vehicle and wounded an officer and some bystanders. They then procced the "tour" and were then shot to death by Gavrilo Princip (Member of Black Hand) -
Start of the War
Austria - Hungary delcared war on Serbia moslty in repsonse to the assasiantiom of Franz Ferdinand. -
Period: to
First Trench
First trenchs of the war are dug out by French Soldiers.
These trenches were key in the war, protecting soldiers from oncoming gun fire and explosions -
German Submarine
Germany declares a submarine blockade of Great Britain. A
Any ship coming towards Enlgland was considered a legit threat -
Germany Warns Before Attacking
Germany responds to U.S. anger by ceasing to sink ships without warning. -
Start of Battle Verdun
Battle of Verdun began this date. At the end of the battle... about 1 million causualities were recorded... 1200 guns fired when when the battle started.. Germans advnaced 6 miles in the 1st week. The french then took Douaumont and Vaux. By the time their advance ground to a halt in mid-December, they were close to the line where the battle had started ten months earlier. -
Battle of the Somme
The Battle of the Somme results in an estimated one million casualties and no breakthrough for the Allies. British introduce the tank, an effective weapon but far to few to make much of a difference. -
Battle of the Somme Ends
Battle of Verdun Ends
Wilson asks for War
President Wilson asks congress for a declaration of war with Imperial Germany -
Americans in France
On this date the American soldiers serving in France fired their first shots of the trench war. -
German Offensive
Germans launch the first of five major offensives to win the war before American troops appear in the trenches. German advance is finally stopped in late June -
Bombs on Paris
German bombs / shells land on Paris -
American defense
Germans on the banks of the Marne near Paris are stopped by American forces at Chateau-Thierry. They didnt push them back but held them from advancing -
End of War
At eleven o'clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, the war ends as Germany and Allies sign an Armistice. -
Peace Treaty signed by German delegates and Allies in Versailles. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers.