• United States purchases Alaska from Russia United States annexes the Midway Islands

    United States purchases Alaska from Russia United States annexes the Midway Islands
  • Beginning of European “Scramble for Africa”

    Beginning of European “Scramble for Africa”
  • Trade agreement between the United States and Hawaii signed

    Trade agreement between the United States and Hawaii signed
  • Publication of Our Country by Josiah Strong that discusses the role of Anglo-Saxons in the world

    Publication of Our Country by Josiah Strong that discusses the role of Anglo-Saxons in the world
  • Pro-American sugar planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii

    Pro-American sugar planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii
  • Revolt against the Spanish in Cuba and harsh Spanish reaction angers many in the United States

    Revolt against the Spanish in Cuba and harsh Spanish reaction angers many in the United States
  • William McKinley elected as the twenty-fifth (25th) president of the United States

    William McKinley elected as the twenty-fifth (25th) president of the United States
  • Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana harbor killing over 260 Americans

    Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana harbor killing over 260 Americans
  • Secretary of State John Hay asks European leaders for an Open Door policy with China

    Secretary of State John Hay asks European leaders for an Open Door policy with China
  • Naval Act of 1900 authorizes construction of offensive warships requested by U.S. Navy

    Naval Act of 1900 authorizes construction of offensive warships requested by U.S. Navy
  • The Assassination of President William McKinley Vice President Teddy Roosevelt become the twenty-sixth (26th) president of the United States

    The Assassination of President William McKinley Vice President Teddy Roosevelt become the twenty-sixth (26th) president of the United States
  • Teddy Roosevelt re-elected as president

    Teddy Roosevelt re-elected as president
  • William Howard Taft elected as the twenty-seventh (27th) president of the United States

    William Howard Taft elected as the twenty-seventh (27th) president of the United States
  • Woodrow Wilson elected as the twenty-eighth (28th) president of the United States

    Woodrow Wilson elected as the twenty-eighth (28th) president of the United States
  • The Outbreak of World War I in Europe with Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Outbreak of World War I in Europe with Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • The Completion of the Panama Canal after 10 years of building and many deaths.

    The Completion of the Panama Canal after 10 years of building and many deaths.
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-boat killing 128 Americans.

    The Sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-boat killing 128 Americans.
  • Germany torpedoes the Sussex and then promises to warn merchant ships if they are to be attacked

    Germany torpedoes the Sussex and then promises to warn merchant ships if they are to be attacked
    The Battle of the Somme
    The Battle of Verdun: The longest battle of WWI from February - December
    The Re-Election of President Woodrow Wilson with the campaign slogan of “He kept us out of war”
  • Zimmerman Telegram between Germany and Mexico that angers American public is intercepted Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare United States enters World War I by stating that U.S. rights as a neutral country had been violated

    Zimmerman Telegram between Germany and Mexico that angers American public is intercepted Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare United States enters World War I by stating that U.S. rights as a neutral country had been violated
  • Military success by the American Expeditionary Force at Chateau-Thierry

    Military success by the American Expeditionary Force at Chateau-Thierry
  • Paris Peace Conference creates the Treaty of Versailles

    Paris Peace Conference creates the Treaty of Versailles
  • The Election of President Warren Harding

    The Election of President Warren Harding