WW1 Events Timeline

  • Period: to


  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The start or "last straw" to set off WWI was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, but while in Sarajevo Bosnia he was assassinated. This assassination was caused by a group of young Serbian nationalists who call themselves "The Black Hand". Archduke passed away on June 28th, 1914.
  • The Start of WWI

    The Start of WWI
    World War 1 also known as The Great war started on July 28th 1914. The outbreak started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary just a month prior on June 28th. This resulted in Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    The Battle of Mons was a battle between the allied forces and the German forces. The battle started at about 9 o'clock in the morning on August 23rd with Germans opening fire on the British. The battle lasted about 9 hours with around 1,600 casualties.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg

    The Battle of Tannenberg
    The Battle of Tannenberg started on August 30th 1914. The battle started with 2 Russian armies invading German territory. Although the Russian armies were much bigger the Germans ended the fight victorious, killing and capturing around 140,000 Russian soldiers in the 2nd army alone.
  • The First Battle of The Marne

    The First Battle of The Marne
    The First Battle of The Marne kicked off when the allied forces decided it was time to play defense on the Germans who were making their way into France. The Germans were met with allied forces on their right flank and tons of French men pouring in from Paris. War ended in the Allied victory.
  • The First Battle of Ypres

    The First Battle of Ypres
    The First Battle of Ypres also known as the "Race to the Sea" was the first of three battles fought to control the ancient Flemish city. This city allowed access to Channel ports and the north sea. Over 1,000,000 men combined fought in this battle.
  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    On December 24th 1914 the British and Germans had a ceasefire called the Christmas truce. This started when the British heard the Germans singing Christmas carols and started to sing along. After a little bit of talking they then made an agreement to meet halfway out in no man's land and the rest is history. Gifts, stories, drinks and much more were exchanged on that beautiful Christmas eve. After this day many soldiers refused to engage in combat so they had to replace them with new soldiers.
  • The Battle of Dogger Bank

    The Battle of Dogger Bank
    The Battle of Dogger Bank was one of the biggest of the few battles that were fought at sea during WWI. The battle was fought between the British Grand Fleet and the German Kaiserliche. The British came out victorious when the Germans could not outrun them after their retreat.
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

    The Sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania was one of the most major turning points in the war. The Lusitania was a British passenger ship that traveled the Atlantic Ocean. Just days after leaving New York on May 1st, 1915 the Lusitania was gunned down by a German U-Boat killing a little over 1,000 and 123 Americans. This was one of Americas big reasons to entering the war.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun is famous for being WWI's longest and one of it's greatest battles. The battle was a feud between German attackers and the French army; this battle lasted just about 10 months and had about 600,000 casualties. The battle ended on december
  • The Battle of The Somme

    The Battle of The Somme
    The Battle of the Somme Is one of the bloodiest battles ever recorded. This battle recorded over 57,000 casualties and 20,000 deaths in just the first day. Not to mention that's just British soldiers. The battle ended up lasting about 5 months with over 1,000,000 casualties.
  • America Joins WWI

    America Joins WWI
    The United States joining World War 1 was probably the biggest turning point in the four years. The US was fed up with the Germans breaking their rules and treaties so they entered the war. The US not only helped the allied forces defeat the Germans but also win the war.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    The battle of Vimy Ridge is one of the shortest battles of WWI only lasting 3 days. This battle was the first for the Canadian Corps where they launched an offensive attack against the Germans. The outcome was decided very swiftly with an easy Canadian victory.
  • The Battle of Caporetto

    The Battle of Caporetto
    The Battle of Caporetto was a huge hit for the Italians. The battle took place from October 24th to December 19th 1917 and was an easy central power victory. During this battle the German and Austria-Hungary powers rushed the Italian front line and swept right through them. This resulted in over 700,000 Italian casualties and a decline of esteem.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the ending point of WWI that everyone awaited. The signing of this treaty was held in 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. The treaty stated peace terms between Germany and the allied parties as well as held Germany accountable for their actions. These actions were mostly for starting the war and the damages they did. Germany was demilitarized and charged huge amounts of money for what they had done. This was a huge burden for Germany that they couldn't hold.