• Archduke Assanation

    Archduke Assanation
    Franz Ferdinan Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria the Archduke of Austria was assasinated in Sarajevo, His death sparked the events of WW1. After this there seemed to just be a down spiral of events for eveybody not just the ecused even tho they may die.
  • World War Begins

    World War Begins
    After about a month or so, Germany invades Belgium, officially known as the start of WW1. America was nuetral because we did not want to have anything to do with it because it was not are war. Even tho Britain, France, Russia, Italy were our allies.
  • Trench Wars

    Trench Wars
    The First Battle of the Marne begins. Trench warfare begins as soldiers on both sides dig in. Trench wars often created stalemates, where there would be no fireing or battle of any kind for long periods of time. They used these so that the small artillary that they did have was protected from cross fire.
  • The Sea Transition

    The Sea Transition
    The United Kingdom announces that the North Sea is a military area, effectively creating a blockade of goods into Germany. This was created because military was really needed at the time due ti war. They also wanted to make it seem as tho they were not intentionally cutting ties with Germany. Also they did because Germany was the enemy and the UK was our allies.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    A German submarine sank the passenger liner Lusitania the ship had 1,198 people on it. Up until this point America was neutral on the war. On the ship 128 of the people were American which is why we decided to finally become apart of the war.