WW1 Edward Hugh Allen

  • Edward Hugh Allen was born

    Edward Hugh Allen was born
    Edward Hugh Allen was born on the 22 of April, 1889. He was raised in a small town 72km north-west of Brisbane.
  • Edward and his brother enlisted into the 22nd reinforcement.

    Edward Hugh Allen and his brother Henry Enlisted into the 22nd reinforcement of the 9th battalion.
  • Period: to

    Edward and his brother set sail to Europe for the war

    Edward and his brother embarked on there way to Europe on the A74 Marathon. During this period Edward suffered scabies which lead to multiple hospitalisations. This was because diseases quickly spread due to the confined spaces with other soldiers. After 3 months the 22nd reinforcement arrived in Plymouth, England including Edward and his brother.
  • Edward was admitted to hospital

    Edward Hugh Allen was admitted to hospital after contracting scabies.
  • Edward was discharged from the hospital

    Edward was discharged only 4 days after being admitted to hospital. He went on to continue his training
  • Edward was diagnosed with mumps

    Shortly after arriving in Plymouth, England, Edward was diagnosed with mumps due to the close confinement with other troops.
  • Edward continued his trench warfare training in Etaples.

    Edward began to continue his training in trench warfare after being sick for many weeks recovering from mumps.
  • Edward joins his troops on the battlefield

    Edward Hugh Allen joins the 9th battalion in battle after many months of training.
  • The 9th battalion moved moves to Ouderdom

    The 9th battalion moves to Ouderdom in preparation for the attack at Flanders.
  • Edward Hugh Allen dies

    Edward Hugh Allen dies after being struck in the lower back by a piece of shrapnel shortly after he began fighting in the battle of Polygon Wood.