

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated along with his wife, Sophie, by Gavrilo Princip, sparking WW1.
  • The First Battle of the Marne

    The First Battle of the Marne
    The First Battle of Marne was one of the first battles fought in ww1 on the western front. It lasted from September 5th to September 12th, 1914. It marked the beginning of trench warfare.
  • The Race to the Sea

    The Race to the Sea
    After the Germans failed to take Paris, The Race to the Sea began in which Allied forces attempted to outflank the germans in a 'race to the sea'
  • The First Battle of Champagne

    The First Battle of Champagne
    It was fought in the Champagne region of France and was fought between the Allies and German forces.
  • Battle of Nueve Chapelle

    Battle of Nueve Chapelle
    The battle took place in the Artois region of France and was meant to rupture German Lines.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres

    The Second Battle of Ypres
    The Second Battle of Ypres is widely known as the first large-scale use of chemical warfare. About 10,000 troops were affected by the gas and about half died within less than ten minutes.
  • The Battle of Festubert

    The Battle of Festubert
    It was an attack by the British Army in the Artois region of France. It involved British, Canadian, and Indian troops capturing the village of Festubert.
  • Battle of Loos

    Battle of Loos
    The Battle of Loos was fought in France and was the first time the British Army used poison gas
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun is one of the most important battles on the western front. What came from it is an area known as the Red Zone.
  • The Battle of The Somme

    The Battle of The Somme
    This battle was the main attack on the western front by the allies. It was fought in the upper reaches of the Somme, a river in France
  • Battle of Arras and Vimy ridge

    Battle of Arras and Vimy ridge
    These two battles were fought on the same day in two separate areas. The more important of the two was the Battle of Vimy Ridge. It was essential to the advance of the British Third Army to move south. Now the Battle of Arras happened due to the Canadian's success at Vimy Ridge. It also succeeded in drawing the German forces away from the French attack at the Aisne.
  • The Second Battle of the Aisne

    The Second Battle of the Aisne
    This battle was part of the Nivelle Offensive and was a Franco-British attempt to inflict a devastating defeat on the German armies in France
  • Battle of Messines

    Battle of Messines
    This battle saw 19 mines being detonated beneath the German positions which killed 10,000 German soldiers
  • Third Battle of Ypres- Battle of Passchendaele

    Third Battle of Ypres- Battle of Passchendaele
    This was The third battle fought in the Ypres region of France and was fought between the Allies and the German Empire. Allied progress was slowed by mud
  • The Third Battle of Aisne

    The Third Battle of Aisne
    This battle was intended to insure an all-out German victory before US intervention but initial gains were ultimately halted by poor supplies and reserve support
  • The Second Battle of the Marne

    The Second Battle of the Marne
    The Second Battle of the Marne is known as the last battle of the western front. This attack by the Germans was meant to divert Allied forces away from Flanders. But the attack faltered, allowing a decisive counter-attack
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    The Treaty Of Versailles was a peace treaty that ended ww1. It made peace between Germany and the allies. But not all of it was fair. Germany had to pay loads of money that they didn't have, pull troops out of the Rhineland, couldn't have an air force, and reduce their military. Historians credit the treaty as one of the main reasons ww2 started