WW1 Beginning to End

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was next in line to be king, was assassinated by a member of the "Black Hand" a Serbian terrorist group. It was in protest of Austria-Hungary having control over Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • War Was Declared

    War Was Declared
    When the Serbians refused the Austrian-Hungarian government's strict demands, Austria-Hungary launched war against them.
  • Belgium Is Invaded

    Belgium Is Invaded
    During ww1, peacful Belgium is invaded by Germany. This incident is crucial because it forces Britain to form an alliance with Serbia, France, and Russia.
  • The Sinking of The Lusitania

    The Sinking of The Lusitania
    A German U boat torpedoed and sank the British ship The Lusitania while it was traveling from New York to Liverpool. England. This event influenced Americans to hat Germans
  • The Battle of Insonzo

    The Battle of Insonzo
    Soon after Italy joined the allied troops, this fight took place. Since Ital enerted the war andd the allies arre fighting alongside a second army, this engagement is critical.
  • Period: to

    The Western Front of Verdun

    The Western Front of Verdun was the longest and bloodiest fight in WW1. In the war Germany used total war to destroy the French's morale. During this 400 thousand lives were lost, almost as much as Germany's.
  • The Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland
    Germany tried to break the barrier, and a battle began between Britain and Germany. After the fight Germany would not try to remove the barrier once again. A total of 8,648 casualties.
  • Period: to

    The Western Front at The Somme

    The Western Front at The Somme was truly the bloodiest with over 1 million lives lost, but 19 thousand lives were lost on the first day. The British launched an attack in the Somme river area to push away German troops away from Verdun
  • The First Tanks

    The First Tanks
    At Delville Wood, the British use the first tanks ever in battle. Tanks are still crude and fall short of becoming the ultimate weapon as their creators had hoped, but their usefulness in serving barbed wire and opening a way for the infantry.
  • America Joins the War

    America Joins the War
    After Germany sank four American ships in the month of March, President Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany.
  • Congress Passes Espionage Act

    Congress Passes Espionage Act
    The Espionage Act is passed by congress, making it illegal for anyone to spread news that could be used to undermine the nations war effort or aid its foes.
  • The battle of Caporetto

    The battle of Caporetto
    Due to the Germans help, Austria-Hungary won the fight. The Italian was the location of this battle. This battle cost a total of 700 thousand deaths.
  • Russia Withdraws

    Russia Withdraws
    Russia officially withdrew from the war which caused the Bolshevik Revolution and the loss of the Eastern front. Russia also launched an assault and got 40 miles in Paris, but during that process losing 800 thousand troops.
  • The Battle of Vittorio

    The Battle of Vittorio
    The war on the Italian Front is put to an end after a heavy loss of the Austria-Hungary forces by the Italian Army, which also marks the beginning of the Austria-Hungary empire's eventual break up
  • The Signing of The Treaty of Versaille

    The Signing of The Treaty of Versaille
    A lot of people speculated that this was a major cause of WW2