ww1 begins
Neutrality in the US
President Wilson announces the US as neutral to protect investments -
Sussex Pledge
Germans promise to stop using U-boats -
German sinks the Lusitania
Germany uses U-boats to attack a British boat called the Lusitania and kills 128 Americans -
Zimmerman Note
Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico if they declare war with the US
day not specified -
Germany ends sussex pledge
Uses submarine warfare again -
Czar is overthrown
The Russian Revolution overthrows Czar and is changed into a republican government
(day not specified) -
US declares war
Sends 1st units to France under General Pershing -
American troops at Belleau wood, Château-Thierry and the Argonne forest
(day not specified) -
US rejects the treaty of Versailles
US senate rejects the treaty and membership in the League of Nations