• archduke francz ferdinand

    archduke francz ferdinand
    archduke franz ferdinand was assassinated.
  • WW1 begins.

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
  • germany invades luxembourg, belgium, etc.

  • austria-hungary invades russia

  • allied forced german advance to france in the first battle of marne.

  • germany starts blockade to great britain.

  • lusitania sunk

    german submarine sinks lusitania, killing 128 americans.
  • italy declares war on austria-hungary

  • allied offensive begins the Battle of the Somme

  • the united states declares war on germany

  • russia signs armistice with germany

  • woodrow wilson presents fourteen points

  • german began its final offensive war

  • american forces stop german attempt to cross the river at chateau-thierry.

  • british and american forces enter germany.

  • peace conference begins at paris

  • treaty of versailles takes effect

  • Period: to

    the united states signs separate peace treaties with germany, austria, & hungary.