
WW1: Americas reasons

  • WW1: Starts

    When WW1 started the Americans didn't have a reason to be in the war, and they didn't care really.
  • Period: to

    WW1 Start to Finish

    WW1 was one of the worlds most brutal and innovative times in history. from the use of bigger cannons to drooping bombs from planes, this war wasn't "the war to end all wars" it was the war to change a wars.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    The Germans pushed through the Belgium forts one after another and are now starting to threaten the home land of France.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    RMS Lusitania was a British ocean liner that was launched by the Cunard Line in 1906 and that held the Blue Riband appellation for the fastest Atlantic ship in class. The Americans smuggled supplies on board the ship, but the Germans found out and hit it with a torpedo. People say that the Germans committed a war crime by sinking a civilian ship but the ship had military supplies on board, there for, it was a ligament target.
  • The Zimmermann interception

    The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmerman Cable) was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany. This note was intercepted by British forces and was shown to the Americans, Mexico refused this offer (thankfully) America joined the war
    Which, they did... Cleary!
  • Americans ship troops to Europe in "Secret"

    The American were suppose to be in secret, however the population mad a huge deal out of it and sent them off in glorious fashion, John J. Pershing didn't like how exposed they were but still went along with it.
  • *Boss music intensifies*

    Germany: HA! The Americans are sending troops? They will meet their end soon, just like the others.

    Wait, they have how many troops?

    4.7 million men!?!? Why do I here boss music?
    America: Omae wa mō shinde iru*
    Germany: OH FU-
    *Translation: You Are Already Dead This actually happened on September 26 – November 11, 1918
  • Victory!!!

    The "Ami's" as the Germans called them, were victorious and praised by the British and French, the Germans made there deal official on November 11, 1918 and decided for the war to end at 11:00 AM, the army fought until the last second and one German man said that he kept is machine gun firing until the last second, when time was up he stepped out of his hiding place and took a bow.