This was a general fear or dislike of foreigners due to the rapid immigration rates. -
Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Alliance System lead to war
These were the major reasons for the United States entering WW1. -
Powder Keg
This term refers to the Balkans in the early 20th century. -
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand led to the beginnig of WW1 -
Lusitania was a British liner that was sunk by German U-boats. President Woodrow Wilson wanred the Germans not to attack unarmed vessels without warning. -
Great Migration
The Great Migration led to higher wages, more educational opportunities, and better standards of life for some blacks. -
He kept us out of war
This war Wilson's Presidential platform. It portrayed his anti-war and pro-neutrailty stance. -
Zimmerman Telegraph
Germany sent this message to Mexico to try to convince Mexico to go to war with the United States. The message was intercepted by the United States and caused them to mobilize against Germany. -
Selective Service Act
Authorized by Wilson to raise an infantry force from the general population of no more than four divisions. It created the Selective Service System. -
Russian Revolution
Revolution led by farmers, women, and underpaid workers, It marked the beginning of a violent process of civil war. -
General Pershing and American Expeditionary Force
American force of 14,500 that landed in France in June 1917 under the command of General John Pershing. Both women and blacks served during the war, mostly under white officers -
Espionage Act
Federal law passed shortly after entrance into WWI. The espionage act made it a crime for a person to mail or print information that inspired dissent against the American war effort or promoted its enemies. -
War Industry Board Created
The board controlled raw materials, production, prices, and labor relations. It was intended to restore economic order. -
Russian Overthrown of Czar
The Russian Czar was overthrown at the end of the Russian revolution. -
Influenza Pandemic
Global outbreak of a deadly type of flu. The movement of soldiers during WWI helped to spread the virus. An estimated 675,000 people died in the U.S. and 50 million around the world. -
Fourteen Points
These were the war aims outlined by Wilson in a speech which he believed would promote lasting peace. The fourteen points called for self-determinations, freedom of the seas, free trade, end to secret agreements, reduction of arms, and a league of nations. -
Big Four Meets
The Big Four came together to discuss peace terms after the war. -
Sedition Act
The Sedition Act was added to the espionage act. It deemed profane language toward the American form of government, the constitution, the flag, or the armed forces as criminal and worthy of prosecution. It was the reason that Eugene Debs was imprisoned. -
Schneck v. United States
Congress could restrict speech if the words "are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create and clear and present danger." Schenck was convicted for mailing pamphlets urging potential army inductees to resist conscription. -
Red Scare
The communist party was gaining strength in the United States, but the Americans feared communism. -
Treaty of Versailles
It was the treaty that ended WW1. It was created to solve the problems after the war. The treaty punished Germany, but did nothing to stop the threat of future wars.