assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 6/28/1914 by gavrilo princip
which cased a chain of events leading up to WW1 -
Germany declares war
Germany declared war on France on august 3rd 1914 as well as Russia on august 1st 1914 -
Germany war zone
Germany declared a war zone on Britain on February 4th 1915 and that meant that anything that tried to pass would be destroyed -
gas warfare
in 1915 was the first time poison gases and bad chemicals were used in warfare and the first ones to do this were the Germans -
declare war
on august 28 1916 Italy declared war on Germany that made the war progress -
the first tank
the first tank that was built was built by the British tanks were used as protection against enemy and to harm enemy -
american joins
in 1917 a major campaigns of submarine warfare brought the u.s in the war and with the help of Zimmerman -
Russia's peace treaty
Russia had a civil war and during it they king was dekinged and then the government ran Russia but didn't leave the war so people dekinged the government and then wrote a peace treaty with Germany and left the war -
Germany springs offensively
it was series of German attacks against the western front -
the war ends
on November 11th 1918 the war was over and the allies won Germany has lost