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  • Assination Begins the War

    Assination Begins the War
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip. His wife Sophie was too.
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany Declares War
    Germany delcares war on Russia, France. They invade Belgium with the Schileffen Plan. This plan intended to defeat France and then go after Russia.
  • Britian Declares War

    Britian Declares War
    After Germay invaded Belgium, Britian felt the need to declare war on Germany and Austria Hungary.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Austria - Hungary Declares War

    Austria - Hungary Declares War
    Austria - Hungary declares war on Serbia because of the assination.
  • Marne, 1st Battle

    Marne, 1st Battle
    Allies stop German advance on Paris
  • Trench Warfare Begins

    Trench Warfare Begins
    In the spring trenches had been build that crossed France from the Velgian coast to the Swiss Alps . German Soliders wre on one side and Allied soldiers were on the other. The three kinds of trenchs were front line, support, and reserve. Trenches consisted of dugouts, undergrouop rooms, communitcation center, artillery fire, and saps. In the middle of the battle was a place called No Man's Land. (link)
  • More Liners Sink

    More Liners Sink
    Again another German U-boat sunk a British Liner called the Arabic. THe Sussex sank as well with about 80 people killed.
  • Ypres, 2nd Battle

    Ypres, 2nd Battle
    Germans use chemical weapons fro the first time
  • German U- Boat sinks Lusitania

    German U- Boat sinks Lusitania
    The British ocean liner, LUsitania was torpeadoed off teh southern coast of ireland. 1,198 people died and 128 american did also. This angered Americans and they turned agansit the central powers and germany.
  • First Battle of the Somme

    First Battle of the Somme
    1.2 million total casualties . Disastrous British Offensive (link)
  • 1916 Election

    1916 Election
    The Democrats renominated Woodrow Wilson.
  • Verdun Battle

    Verdun Battle
    Frech hold the line in longest battle of the war.
  • The British Blockade

    The British Blockade
    Britian great naval strenghth. They blockaded the German coast to prevent weapons and othe rmilitary suppplies from getting through.
  • The United States Declares War

    The United States Declares War
    The Untied States declares war on Germany. They chose to fight with the Allies to ensure Allied repayment of debts and to prevent the Germans from trheatening U.S. Shipping.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress passed the Selctive Service Act that required men to reagister with he government in order tobe randomly selected for military service. 24 million men had registered.
  • Convoy System

    Convoy System
    Convoy Systems were heavy gaurd destroers that escorted ships on the Altantic. These systems cut German ship attacks in half.
  • American Expeditionary Force

    American Expeditionary Force
    General John J. Pershing led men in the AEF. American infantrymen were named doughboys. Alvin York was a famous fighter fromt he AEF.
  • US Ship Launch

    US Ship Launch
    The United States launched 95 ships that the government took over and converted them for transatlantic war use.
  • Austria Hungary Surrenders

    Austria Hungary Surrenders
    Austria Hungary surrendered to the Allies.
  • Germany Signs the Armistice

    Germany Signs the Armistice
    Germany exhausted aggress to cease fire and calls a truce that ended the war.
  • Treaty of Versalilles

    Treaty of Versalilles
    This Treaty established nine new nations including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and shifted the boundaries of other nation. Five areas out of the Ottoman Empire were carved out and given to France adn Great Britain as temporary colonies. It required and forbid Germany to maintain an army and to pay the war damages.