By Anton_A
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    He was assassinated in Sarajevo, most likely by the Serbians.
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Australia Joins the War

    Australia Joins the War
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    German forces shock Allied soldiers along the Western Front by firing more than 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas against two French colonial divisions at Ypres in Belgium.
  • The Battle of Gallipoli begins

    The Battle of Gallipoli begins
    The Allies launched their invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula
  • Sinking of the RMS Lusitania

    Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
  • The Battle of Gallipoli ends

    The Battle of Gallipoli ends
    The British government authorized the evacuation to begin from Suvla Bay on December 7; the last troops left Helles on January 9, 1916.
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    British empire fights the German empire alongside the French Third Republic.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause.
  • US Joins WW1

    US Joins WW1
  • Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest Litovsk
    Ended Russia's participation in WW1
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The treaty forced Germany to surrender colonies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific