• The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was next in line for the throne in Austria was assassinated on June 28, 1914 by a member of the Serbian nationalist group "The Black Hand". This assassination signified the start of the first world war.
  • Declaring war

    Declaring war
    Austria-Hungary officially declares war on Serbia due to the earlier assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Start of the war

    Start of the war
    The war officially began on July 28, 1914
  • Luxembourg's involvement

    Luxembourg's involvement
    In August of 1914, German troops invaded Luxembourg and stayed there until the end of the war in 1918. This resulted in Luxembourg almost losing its independence.
  • Russia's involvement

    Russia's involvement
    On August 23 1914, the Battle of Krasnik begun when the Russians were invaded by Austria-Hungary resulting in a small win for them.
  • First battle of the Marne

    First battle of the Marne
    A battle between the French army, the British Expeditionary force and the Germans. The French were able to push the Germans back, but they later lost a huge amount of territory to them leading to a victory for Germany on the western front
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    The Germans started to attack the British while they were trying to secure army supplies and English ports
  • Lusitania sinking

    Lusitania sinking
    The Lusitania was a famous ship sunk in 1915 by a German navy u boat because they believed the British were carrying munitions.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.
    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary and joins the allies
  • Germany begins the attack on Verdun

    Germany begins the attack on Verdun
    Germany begins the attack on Verdun which ended up being the longest lasting attack in the war, and it took place on the western front. Germany was attempting to crush the french army
  • Naval battle of Jutland

    Naval battle of Jutland
    The naval battle of Jutland was a naval battle fought between the Imperial German Navy's High Seas Fleet and the Britain Royal Navy Grand Fleet.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The British started an attack in the Somme river to try and turn some of the German troops away from the Verdun.
  • Russian revolution

    Russian revolution
    The Russians started a new offense on the western front causing them to lose over 800,000 troops. They later wanted nothing to do with the war so they withdrew leading to no eastern front.
  • The US enters the war

    The US enters the war
    The US entered the war in April of 1917 due to the Zimmerman telegram, which the us believed was a threat of attack from the Germans
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles was the treaty that stated Germany took accountability for starting the war, and it officially ended the war