Rise of the Axis Timeline

By adaliep
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A peace document signed at the end of World War 1 that formally ended the war. This required Germany to pay reparations, shrink in military, and lose territory. They also had to claim guilt for starting the war. This is greatly significant as it both ended the first war, and was a cause for the start of the second war.
  • Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy

    King Victor Emmanuel lll named Mussolini the new prime minister out of fear. Earlier in the year he led a group of men to march against rome. He is the founder of fascism. This is a significant event as he greatly changed Italy's government.
  • Mein Kampf is published

    Mein Kampf, translating to "My Struggle" is an autobiographical book written by Adollf Hitler. The book goes over his views as well as his future plans for Germany.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler became chancellor in 1933 after multiple Nazi electoral victories. Due to the failure of previous chancellors and the economic and political stability so weak, Hidenburg agreed to appoint Hitler. This is greatly signifiant as it put the Nazi party in power and ultimately changed the course of history.
  • “Knight of the Long Knives” Hitler consolidates power

    The Night of Long Knives occured in Nazi, Germany, in 1934. This event was a turning point for Hitler as it made it impossible to remove him from power. The Night of Long Knives was a purge. Hiter gathered up all who he was paranoid of and had them arrested and executed.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    The Italian invasion of Ethiopia was one of the first acts of agression by Benito Mussolini. This invasion led to the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Mussolini had the excuse to invade due to a border incident with Italian Somaliland. This invasion boosted Italian nationalism.
  • Japan Invades China

    The Second Sino-Japanese War occured in 1937 and lastesd until the end of the war in 1945. In pursuit of more materials and and to grow indurstries, Japan invaded Manchuria, China in 1931. Japan controlled much of China and war crimes became unordianry acts. In 1939 the Japanese battled the Soviet Union in the Khalkin Gol river and were defeated after 4 months.
  • Japanese Rape of Nanjing

    The Rape of Nanjing, or the Nanjing Masscare was a period over 6 weeks where Japanese forces violently murdered over 200,000 people in the Chinese city Nanjing. The soldiers killed and raped women, children, and elders. The city was demolished and it took decades for victims and the city to recover.
  • Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel was a signing of friendship and alliance between Germany and Italy. The pact signified friendship, military cooperation, and was a pledge that neither country would seek seperate peace or an armistice. This is significant as it compelled each country to aid eachother
  • Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II

    Germanty invaded Poland in 1939. Hitler invaded poland to gain more territory and terrorize the Soviet Union. Hitler wanted the German territory explanded past Poland and believed the Polish were inferior. This is significant because only a week before the invasion Germany and the Soviet Union signed a pact.
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

    The Tripartite Pact was signed 1 year after the war began. Germany, Italy, and Japan began an alliace in hopes of intimadating the US from entering the war. The Pact failed detering the US from entering, as they entered just 3 months later.