• world war 1 started with the assasnation of france berdnane

    world war 1 started with the assasnation of france berdnane
    The start of the fist word war was beause of the Assassintion of Franz Fredinand
  • Period: to

    start of ww1

  • when austria-hungry joined the war

    when austria-hungry joined the war
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. thus is why they decleared war aginst Serbia.
  • turkey and germany making an alliance

    turkey and germany making an alliance
    Turkey and Germany sign a secret treaty of alliance.
    they made an Alliance to have tripple the power.
  • germany going to war with france

    germany going to war with france
    Germany declares war on France.
    germany did this because they where trying to take over the world.
  • Volunteer recruiting begins in Australia

    Volunteer recruiting begins in Australia
    they strted this in 1914 bu it was all volteering and most would say that if you didnt go you where a cowered
  • Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Forces capture German New Guinea

    Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Forces capture German New Guinea
    started to recrute PNG peple and become Allies with them to be a biger force to fight
  • Australian troops in Egypt

    Australian troops in Egypt
    troops went to egypt for training and geting ready for battle. they also
  • Australians land at ANZAC Cove

    Australians land at ANZAC Cove
    it is the other side of gallipolly
  • Baby 700

    Baby 700
    it was a main point for the Australians to make
  • Battle of Lone Pine

    Battle of Lone Pine
    the battle of low pine was fought by Australian and Ottoman Empire
  • Charge at the Nek

    Charge at the Nek
    it was when the light horse man attcked
  • Evacuation of Gallipoli

    Evacuation of Gallipoli
    it is when they decided to serender to galipolie because they where loosing so bad
  • Battle of Romani

    Battle of Romani
    it was the last ground attck
  • Battle of Flers

    Battle of Flers
    it got its name in france because a bad attck that happened
  • Withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line

    Withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line
    it was the lasst and strongest army of the germans
  • United States declares war on Germany

    United States declares war on Germany
    President Wilson applyed for a declration to rage war against Germany
  • First battle of Bullecourt

    First battle of Bullecourt
    it was one of the villages on frace to be havaley fort afiedd
  • Second battle of Bullecourt

    Second battle of Bullecourt
    part of the britsh armys final defences
  • Battle of Messines

    Battle of Messines
    a revalution of miltary afiars
  • Battle of Menin Road

    Battle of Menin Road
    the Battle of menin roud was just an affencie battle
  • Battle of Polygon Wood

    Battle of Polygon Wood
    this battle toock place in the second phase of the third battle of Ypres during the first world war
  • Battle of Broodseinde

    Battle of Broodseinde
    the battle was the third oporation lanched by britan
  • Attack on the village of Passchendaele

    Attack on the village of Passchendaele
    it was apart of the attck of Ypres
  • Battle of Beersheba

    Battle of Beersheba
    the light horseman attcked egypt to scar the germans
  • Second conscription referendum

    Second conscription referendum
    this is when they strted to get more recrutes
  • End of Wold War One

    End of Wold War One
    they finally pushed the german empire back into there own lines. this is how ww1 was won
  • bilography

    by justin fletcher year 9 goverment and civics assigment