Isaac pumpelly

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The battle of Britten started on July 10 1940 and lasted 3 months and 4 weeks it was fought in air planes near Britain were the British defended against bombardments by the natzies that were trying to get Britain to negotiate peace using blitz
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Nazi germany attacked the Soviet Union with the largest offensive in human history of 3.8 million men. The purpose of the attack was to get more livening space. They pushed out most of the Slavic people to get it.
  • Operation torch

    Operation torch
    Operation torch was an invasion of west Africa it had one of the first aerial battles for the United States. The allies won the battle
  • D-Day

    On June 6 1944 the allies launched D-Day an invasion of Normandy started at night when 17000 paratroopers landed behind enemy lines to flank and confuse Germans fighting the land invasion witch had 133000 solders invade 5 different beaches and 70000 solver died in the 48 day invasion
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    The Yalta conference was a meeting between the allied leaders of Britain the United States and the Soviet Union the meeting was meant to discuss peace after the war
  • The battle of Berlin

    The battle of Berlin
    The battle of Berlin was the final battle of the final battle of natzi Germany were the allies invaded Berlin in the battle adolf hitler committed sucede before the allies got to him this was one of the most important battles of ww II