• Blitzkreig invasion of Poland

    Blitzkreig invasion of Poland
    Germany gets greedy and starts invading Poland with a new technique called Blitzkreig. Halfway through they meet Russia, and makes a deal, that they just stop invading more, and split the country in half between them. This makes it possible for Hitler to focus mainly on the western front.
    Note book information
  • Blitzkrieg invasion of Poland

    Blitzkrieg invasion of Poland
    Hitler gets greedy after his other successful invasions, and tries out a new strategy (blitzkreig or Lightning war). This is a really fast invasion and Russia starts invading the other half of Poland. Hitler and Stalin then agrees not to fight over the land, but instead split it. This makes the war easier on Hitlers side, now he only have to fight on the western front.
  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    After the invasion of Poland, Hitler agrees to stop invading more. This is a deal he does not keep up with, and he starts an invasion of France in 1940. The only reason this is possible is he made a deal with Russia not to fight in Poland, this makes Hitler able to put all his forces on the western front. After this invasion Britain does declare war on Germany.
  • Invasion of France

    Invasion of France
    After the deal with Russia, Hitler puts way more forces on the western front, and with his super smart blitzkreig technique he takes over France superfast.
  • Bombing of London

    Bombing of London
    After the deal with USSR, Germany can focus on the battle on the western front, and after the invasion of France, they can focus on damaging Britain. Germany bombs Britain, just to cripple them as much as possible, after 11 months of bombing London, they stop. This is known as the Battle of Britain.
    From notes.
  • Bombing of London

    Bombing of London
    After Hitler has taken over some of France, he figures that his biggest enemy at this time, is Britain. He then tries to weaken them up, by bombing them straight for 11 months.
  • Lend-lease act

    Lend-lease act
    The Lend-lease act was made to help Britain fight back Germany, without getting full involvement in the war. It was proposed in 1940 but not approved until 1941. This gave Britain, Americas old navy fleet, weapons and other supplies, in exchange for military bases.
  • Lend-Lease act

    Lend-Lease act
    When America sees what is going on in Europe, they figure out that it is for the best of everyone that the Allied will win the war, so they start trading Military supplies and their old navy fleet to Britain in exchange for Military bases
  • Invasion of Russia and Operation Barbarossa

    Invasion of Russia and Operation Barbarossa
    Germany now decides to start the invasion of Russia. Germany takes over Moscow in October. After a long time, Germany reaches Stalingrad, and the (most-likely) most bloody war of the 20th century begins.At this time more than 3 million russian soldiers are captured by Germany. Over 1 million Russian soldiers die, but Russia does end up taking victory, and this is when the war on the east front starts to chance.
  • Invasion of Russia and Operation Barbarossa

    Invasion of Russia and Operation Barbarossa
    Germany gets tired of bombing London, and figures to maybe try the other side. They start invading Russia even though they had a deal not to. Germany takes over Moscow quickly, but when they reach Stalingrad, they start to loose. Over 1 million Russians are killed, and more than 3 million are captured at this point. Germany looses and this is the beginning of the turn of the war.
  • Bombing of Pearl harbor

    Bombing of Pearl harbor
    The morning December 7th, Japan flies over Pearl Harbor which is an American Navy base. Japan was knew that America would fight back after the attack, so they made sure to destroy as much as possible. The day after, US declares war on Japan
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan starts getting greedy too, and they see that they will have problems with America if they don't do something first. They then decide to bomb their biggest fleet on the pacific side, Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) This is ends up in a lot of death. America declares war on Japan the day after.
  • U.S. Joins the war officially.

    U.S. Joins the war officially.
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, U.S. declares war on Japan, this leads to Germany declaring war on U.S. since they are on the same team as Japan. Germany helped Japan because he hoped that after they defeated U.S. Japan would help defeat Russia.
  • U.S. vs. Japan & Germany

    U.S. vs. Japan & Germany
    Only 4 days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Germany declares war on U.S. in their support of Japan, this makes U.S. declaring war on Germany as well, and U.S. is now officially in the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    75.000 surrendered Filipino and American soldiers were forced by the Japanese to walk 65 miles, from Mariveles to San Fernando just as punishment. The ones too weak to walk - killed, and they were already poorly treated before the walk.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    75.000 surrendered Filipino-American soldiers got forced by Japan to walk 65 miles in punishment. The ones that was too weak got killed, and the ones that actually walked, was starving, sick and tortured from the camps they came from.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor Japan still had the need to try defeating U.S. so they set up an ambush. Thanks to the decoding technology of the U.S. They found out Japans plans, and by accident some torpedo bombers found the Japanese fleet, in the act of refueling and rearming their planes, making them really vulnerable. This ended up sinking 4 fleet carriers, with a total of 322 planes and more than 5000 sailors. Victory to U.S.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    In Japans attempt to destroy U.S. completely they set up an ambush attack. But because of the decoding techniques from U.S. we find out, and accidentally finds the Japan fleet, while they are rearming their planes. This leads to over 300 Japanese planes destroyed and more than 5000 Japanese sailors death.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    After long time in the concentration camps, a group of Jews decided to revolt. With super small arms, they hold the Germans back for around a month surprisingly. The Jewish people did loose though.
  • D-Day

    Allied-powers soldiers reaches Normandy, and starts their invasion against Germany. This is most likely one of the most famous days during world war II because now everything turns. Germany starts to feel the loose.
  • D-Day

    The Allied-forces invades France (Normandy) and fights the Germans back. This is an Allied victory and Germany is now feeling pressure from both West and East.
  • Liberation of Concentration camps

    Liberation of Concentration camps
    The soviet soldiers were the first to reach and liberate a concentration camp. On January the 27th Auschwitz the most famous camp, got liberated, and the survivors got medical help as soon as possible.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offense, they were in the northeast of France, Belgium and Luxembourg. The German group caught a group of Allied completely off-guard. This ended up as the bloodiest fight America fights during World War II
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The Battle of Iwo Jima was a major battle in which the United States Marine Corps landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II
  • Bombing of Japan

    Bombing of Japan
    August 6 and August 9 is the two dates where America showed no mercy. Two atomic bombs were dropped, one over Hiroshima(Japan), and one over Nagasaki (Japan). This was meant to get Japan to surrender, and it did for sure work.
  • Atomic bombings of Japan

    Atomic bombings of Japan
    Still in the sorrow of the lost fleet in Hawaii, America figures it is the best if they can get Japan to surrender. They drop two atomic bombs, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki. Japan surrenders very quickly after