Triple entente: France Brit Russia; Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy -
Central Powers
Germany and austria-Hungary together with the Ottoman Empire were later known as the Central Powers;
alliances provided a measure of international security b/c nations were reluctant to disturb the balnace of power -
1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
A-H and Serbia conflict over Bosnia(powder keg); Ferdinand(heir to Austrian throne) visit Bosninan capital sarajevo and was shot by Gavrilo Princip(member of Black Hand, organizastion promoting Serbian nationalism)-->july28 austria-hungary declare war against Serbia; Aug1 Germany join war due to alliance w/A-H; Aug3 Germany declare war on Russia's ally France; Germany ivaded Belgium->Brit declare war on Germ and A-H; -
Schlieffen Plan
germany invaded Belgium; this plan called for a holding action against Russia, combined w/quick drive through Belgium to Parias; after France had fallen, the two German arimies would defeat Russia; as German troops swept across Belgium, thousands of civilians fled in terror; -
Sinking of British liner Lusitania
Germany responded to the Brit blockade w/counterblosckade by U-boats; it sunk Lusitania off the southern coast of Ireland; 1,198 lost and among 128 Amer.; Amer. outrage-> join war against Central Powers -
Sinking of British liner Arabic
U-boat sank another Brit liner; drowned 2 Amer.; US protest again->Germ. agree not to sink any more passenger ships; -
Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex
Germ. broke promise and torpedoes unarmed French passenger steamer Sussex; 80 passengers including Amer. killed/injured; US warned again that it would break off diplomatic relations unless Germ. changed its tactics; again, Germ. agreed but there was a condition: if the US could not persuade Brit to lift its blockade against food and fertilizers, Germ. would consider renewing unrestricted submarine warfare -
Battle of Somme
After the Schlieffen Plan, allies tried to save belgium->each armies dug trenches crossing France from Belgian coast to Swiss alps.; German soldiers occupy one set of trenches&Allied soldiers the other; 3kinds: front line, support, and reserve; Dugouts(underground rooms); :"no mans's land":barren expanse of mud pockmarked with shell craters&gilled w/barbed wire; Brit suffer60,000 casualties;bloody trench warfare contine>3yrs -
Zimmermann note
Germans ignored wilson's call for peace; Germ. hoped to defeat Brit by resuming unrestricted submarine warfare; Germ. announce Jan31 U-boats would sink alll ships in Brit waters->Us would have to go to war; the Z-note: telegram from the German foreign minister to the Germ. ambassador in Mexico that was intercepted by Brit agents; it proopsed an alliance btwn Mexico&Germ&promise if US enter war, Germ would support Mexico in recovering "lost territory in Texas, New Mex, Arizona" -
Selective Service Act of 1917
passed by Congress to meet the gov's need for more fighting pwr; it required men to register w/gov in order to be randomly selected for military service; -
Convoy System
it's where a heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships back and forth across the Atlantic in groups; it was convinced to British by Amer.Vice Admiral William S. Sims since the German U-boat attacks on merchant ships in Atlantic were a serious threat to the Allied war effort -
War Industries Board
the main regulatory body; reorganized in 1918 under leadership of Bernard M Baruch (prosperous businessman);urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products; industrial production in US increase by 20%; -
Second Battle of the Marne
the turning point of the war; allies advance steadily after defeating the Germans -
Cease-fire and armistice
armistice means truce; this ended the war when Germany agreed to it cuz Germans were too exhausted to continue fighting; -
National War Labor
wages in most industries rose high; ex)DuPont Company; workers who refused to obey board dicisions could lose their draft exemptions -
Food Administration
to help produce&conserve food; Wolson set this up under Herbert Hoover; instead of rationing food, he called on ppl to follow the "gospel of the clean plate"; -
Commitee on Public Information
nation's first propaganda agency; propaganda is kind of biased communication designed to influence ppl's thoughts and actions; heat of CPI was a former muckraking journalist named George Creel; -
Espionage and Sedition Acts
a person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering w/the war effort or for saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the gov. and war effort; violated 1st Amend.; it targeted socialists and labor leaders -
Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies
A-H surrender to Allies; on the same day German sailors mutinied against gov. authority; -
Establishment of the German Republic
everywhere in Germany, groups of soldiers and workers organized revolutionary councils; Nov.9 socialist leaders in the capital(Berlin)established a German republic; kaiser gave up the throne;