• Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated

    Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated on june 28,1914 after avoiding getting bombed
  • austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia begins WW1

    austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia begins WW1
    a month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie was was declared on July 28,1914
  • Austria-Hungary invades Russia

    Austria-Hungary invades Russia
    Austria knew that conflict with Serbia would likely involve Russia, which saw itself as Serbia's protector
  • Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne

    Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne
    where the French army and British Expeditionary Force stop Germany's swift advance into France.
  • Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain

    Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain
    Utilizing its naval resources, Germany tried to enforce its own blockade in the North Sea.
  • Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire

    Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire
    The Gallipoli campaign was the land-based element of a strategy intended to allow Allied ships to pass through the Dardanelles, capture Constantinople and kick out the ottoman empire
  • German submarine sinks iner Lusitania during crossing from New York to Liverpool, England,

    German submarine sinks iner Lusitania during crossing from New York to Liverpool, England,
    passenger liner Lusitania during crossing from New York to Liverpool, England, killing 128 Americans.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    At the beginning of the war, the Italian army boasted less than 300,000 men, but mobilization greatly increased its size to more than 5 million
  • Germany begins the attack on Verdun

    Germany begins the attack on Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun began on 21 February 1916 at 7.15 am when the German army began pounding the forts and trenches with artillery fire.
  • Naval Battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets

    Naval Battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets
    fought over two days from 31 May 1916, was the largest sea battle of the First World War.
  • the Battle of the Somme.

     the Battle of the Somme.
    Advancing British troops found that the German defences had not been destroyed as expected and many units suffered very high casualties with little progress. The Somme became an attritional or 'wearing-out' battle.
  • Battle of Verdun ends

    Battle of Verdun ends
    550,000 French and 450,000 German casualties.
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    hours after Germany declared war on the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan
  • Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles.

    Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles.
    The United States signs treaty of guaranty, pledging to defend France in case of an unprovoked attack by Germany.
  • Treaty of Versailles takes effect

    Treaty of Versailles takes effect
    when the war was ending
  • United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary

    United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary
    the war finally ends and everyone is at peace and borders are now different