WW1 / Ayres, Quincy Claude timeline

  • Arch Duke killed

    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated
  • Period: to


    ww1 started in July 1914 and ended in November 1918
  • Germany invades

    germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium from the 2nd to the 7th of august.
  • Austria hungary invades

    Austria Hungary invade Russia
  • Allies stop german advance

    The allies stop the german advance into France
  • German naval blockade

    Germany begins a naval blockade on Britain
  • Italy declares war

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
  • germany attascks verdun

    Germany begins its attack on verdun
  • Battle of verdun end

    the battle of Verdun ends 550,000 French and 450,000 German deaths
  • US severs relations with germany

    The United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.
  • US Declares war

    The United States declares war on Germany.
  • American troops arrive

    American troops arrive in France
  • American forces arrive

    American combat forces arrive in France.
  • boarding

    Quincy Claude Ayres boards the USS Pocahontas
  • leaveing port

    9 days later he left the port
  • Joined convoy

    USS Pocahontas joined a convoy
  • Russia signs

    Russia signs an armistice with Germany.
  • arrived at port brest

    the USS Pocahontas arrived at port brest
  • arrived at brest

    the USS pochahontas arrives at port brest.
  • Leaving port brest

    the USS Pocahontas leaves port brest
  • leaves brest

    Quincy leaves port brest
  • Arrives in paris

    he arrives in Paris and has a good time while there
  • Arrives at paris

    Quincy arrives at Paris France
  • Leaves paris

    he left Paris to join the front lines
  • First letter from home

    he received his first letter from mary
  • recieved letter

    he received his first letter from mary which really fired him up
  • has been recieving letters

    he had been receiving letters for awhile and he writes that he is in real danger now
  • Russia signs the Treaty

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.
  • Russia signs the Treaty

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.
  • gemany begins last offensive

    Germany begins its final offensive of the war
  • Germany's final offensive

    Germany begins its final offensive of the war.
  • seeing combat

    he had been seeing real air battles for awhile and artillery bombings and he says he wants to go home
  • goudeniourt

    he goes to goudeniourt for a month for training
  • promotion?

    he thinks he is promoted to 1sr lieutenant
  • meets rickenbacker

    He meets fighter pilot Eddie Rickenbacker
  • U.S forces victory

    the U.S forces had won the first American independent operation of the war the Battle of Cantigny
  • U.S forces victorious

    United States forces are victorious in the Battle of Cantigny, the first independent American operation.
  • school is over

    school is over and he is in Paris for five days where he talks about the countryside
  • brige school

    he goes to a bridge school in Liganville
  • school is over

    the school he went to was done teaching him
  • another school

    he goes to another school
  • back to paris

    he goes back to Paris after school is over
  • another school

    he goes back to school again
  • Period: to

    september- october at angers

    September and October were spent doing usual duties and he heard rumors of peace talks
  • final allied offensive

    Allied forces begin the attack at Meusse-Argonne, the final offensive of the war.
  • Allies begin the final offensive of the war.

    Allied forces began the attack at Meuse-Argonne, the war's final offensive.
  • Germany signs the Armistice

    Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne, ending World War I.
  • through Luxembourg

    they move through Luxembourg into Germany
  • back in france

    he made his way back to france
  • Peace conference

    The peace conference begins in Paris.
  • back in germany

    he went back into germany
  • the order

    he was ordered by Coblenz to go back to the 21st engineers because they were in France and he was shipping out home soon.
  • promotion

    he was promoted to 1st Lt
  • leaving brest

    he left port brest to return home he was very excited
  • Boston harbor

    he returned home and arrived in the Boston harbor
  • germany signs the treaty

    Germany signs the treaty of Versailles
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles takes effect in Germany.
  • Period: to

    U.S signs separate treaties

    The United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary.