
World War 2

  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    America beats Germany in WW1 and they create this peace treaty, in which Germany must par reparations for all the damages they caused. This angers Germany.
  • Emperor Hirohito, the leader of Japan

    Emperor Hirohito, the leader of Japan
    He had ecpansionist desieres, since he was forced to give up most of the islands he acquired during WW1.
  • Germany plans on following a militaritic attitude

    Germany plans on following a militaritic attitude
    Agaisnt the treaty of Versailles Germany planned to rebuild its army.
  • Germany wanted to expand and create a greater Germany.

    Germany wanted to expand and create a greater Germany.
    Germany wanted to regain lost territory and unite German people under one nation state.
  • Italy sought to create New Roman Empire

    Italy sought to create New Roman Empire
    Italy invaded Albania during the start of the war.They also later invaded Greece. The leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini, believed in facism and that war was a way for improvement.
  • Hitler used Racism agaisnt non-Aryan people

    Hitler used Racism agaisnt non-Aryan people
    Hitler saw Germans as the master race, Aryan race, and that all other races were inferior.
  • World War Two was the deadliset war

    World War Two was the deadliset war
    It is estimated that from the start until the end, September 1945, more than 55 million people died.
  • Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
    Japan had plans to expand into the far east, which led them to attack Pearl Harbor in order to neutralize the U.S. Fleet