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Wuthering Heights Timeline

  • The British vs. The French

    The British vs. The French
    A seven year war between the British and the French began May of 1756. Their battle locations included India, America, and Europe. With Britain fighting along with their allies, Spain joined the side of the French in 1762. In 1763, Britain came out victorious with a BONUS! Because of the Treaty of Paris they gained Quebec, Florida, Minorca, large sections of India and the West Indies. I wonder if anyone realized that this was actually an 8 year war......
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    British History

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    World HIstory


    On Christmas Day in the year 1758, Halley's Comet returns across the sky and Edmund Halley's fame and knowledge is seure just like it was in 1608. Because Edmund Halley was going to 102 years old in that year, he wanted to make it known that Halley's Comet was first discovered by an Englishman.
  • The Jesuits

    The Jesuits
    The power and wealth of the Jesuits raised much opposition specifically in the area of ministry during the late 18th century. Not only this, but they also made ememies by helping to protect the Indians from colonist.The Jesuits were cast out of Spain because of Portugal's move agianst their missions.
  • King George III

    King George III
    George became heir to the throne in 1751 when his father died. In 1760, his grandfather George II passed away and George III took the throne. He was said to be the first Hanoverian king to use English as his first language. George III was also the 3rd Hanoverian to become the King of Great Britain. In 1801, King George III became the first king of the new nation when Ireland and and Great Britain became one. January 29, 1820 the king passed away.
  • The Role of a Woman

    The Role of a Woman
    In 1763, spot of the Polish throne is again decided by the Russian ruler who is the empress Catherine II. She sent her troops to Poland in 1764 to make sure that one of her lovers Stanislaw II gets the seat. I indcluded this one specifically because it is the only thing I found on a woman. And it's funny how this particualr woman is being a whore and deceptive AT THE SAME TIME. Is this the role women had to portray in Russia?
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The settlement between Britain and Spain give Spain Havana and Manila, which were captured the year before. Even though Britain lost this land, it gained the ownership of Floride and Canada. Eventually, knowing what they were doing, Britain became the dominant power of the northern area of America.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    In 1764, James Watt recieved a model of the Newcomen steam engine for repair. When bringing it back up to part, he is shocked at the amount of steam it creates and wastes. The solution comes to him May of 1765 when walking near Glasgow. In 1679, the condenser was made and is still used today on all subsequent steam engines.
  • What did you do that for?!

    What did you do that for?!
    During the year 1765, the administration of British Prime Minister George Grenville passed the Stamp Act. This act raised taxes on North American colonist and used the money to pay for military defence for these colonist just in case of another French attack. Riots broke out as 6 of the colonies petitioned against the act. The act was undone March on 1766.
  • It's for YOUR protection...

    It's for YOUR protection...
    All thanks to a legislation written up by Charles Townshend, in 1767, taxes were raised AGAIN for North American colonists. Only this time they were raised on imports, including glass, paint, lead and tea. Like before, the British say the money is used to protect them from potential French attcks. Protests led to the Revenue Act ending, EXCEPT for the taxes on imported tea. I can deal with that, how about you?
  • Captain. James. Hook. OH MY!

    Captain. James. Hook. OH MY!
    Captain James Hook took his very first voyage to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti. The journey continued into the South Pacific Ocean. There James Cook where Cook travel to New Zealand and charted the east coast of Australia. His crew of scientists went back to England taking many important specimens and a massive amount of scientific information. He took 2 more voyages on which the second he was killed in 1779.
  • Lord North, South, East, and West

    Lord North, South, East, and West
    In 1770, Lord North became Prime Minister of Britain. As minister he revived national debt following the Seven Years' War. He was also the 7th person in administration in that one decade. In 1782 he resigned as to the stress of the War of Independence.
  • FREE AT LAST! Oh, nevermind.

    FREE AT LAST! Oh, nevermind.
    In 1772, a slave living in London named James Somerset escaped from his master. Eventually he was caught and forced to board a ship for Jamaica. Thanks to Granville Sharpe, the case was taken to court and Lord William Mansfield demanded that James be freed. The "Oh, nevermind' part about this story is that, there was a misconception and some thought that this meant slaves were free in England. This tale just shows that there was a struggle to revoke slavery.
  • The wonderful world of tools.

    The wonderful world of tools.
    John Wilkinson invents a machine, in 1774, that can drill through the length of a cast-iron cylinder to create the barrel of a cannon. James Watt realizes that he can use Wilkinson's new machine for an efficient steam-engine cylinder. So this one tool, was used for 2 and even more tools that are probably still used today, or are the backbone of those tools.
  • AMERICA vs. Britain

     AMERICA vs. Britain
    It's the bottom of the 9th and America is not backing down to win their independence. Strong as is, they form allies with the French who roin the battle to gain revenge on the British from their previous war. Boohoohoo! Eventually the British leave the war feeling shameful of their loss.

    Emily Jane Brontë was born July 30, 1818 at Thornton in Yorkshire. This factor is important because she is the author of the book. Without her.............we would have no book.
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    The Life of Emily Brontë

  • A motherless daughter.

    A motherless daughter.
    In 1824, Maria Branwell Brontë, Emily's mother passed away. This is important because that may have given her some type of depression or emptiness in her heart. She might feel like there is no beginning.
  • Horrific Schools

    Horrific Schools
    One her mother died her aunt came to live with her to care for Emily and her 3 sisters. The 4 of them unfortunately had to attend a dismal charity school in 1824. The school conditions were so horrible that many students became very ill, including her sisters Maria and Elizabeth. They both passed away in 1825. This probably left her feeling completely alone, I know I would.
  • Another death, another day.

    Another death, another day.
    In 1842, while Emily was away at school her Aunt Branwell passed away. At this point I can't even begin to understand how she might have been feeling. All of these deaths might have been why she starting writing or just a way to get out of life.
  • You are my sister?

    You are my sister?
    In the year 1845 Emily's older sister Charlotte had "accidentally" come across Emily's poems. She happened to read them and was impressed and shocked by the power that they held. Most likely to make Emily feel better, Charlotte admitted that she had been writing poetry as well, but persuaded Emily to make her work public. Maybe made her feel a sense of pride and love, but also nervousness.
  • The End

    The End
    I say that her death was an important part of her timeline because she put forth and effort got out of bed and put on clothes. In my opinion, all of her life she faught and got judged. It might have felt good to be able to be free. To be free. To feel something higher than what she felt all of her life.
  • Wuthering Heights is Born!

    Wuthering Heights is Born!
    In 1847 Emily Brontë published her very first book called Wuthering Heights. After publishing the book it got a lot of hateful reviews and apparently offended many of the readers. FInding out the author was a women did help the situation either... In the circumstance, she probably felt neglectful but still proud that she did it.