
Wuthering Heights Time Line

  • Mr. Earnshaw brings Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights

    Mr. Earnshaw brings Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights
    -Heathcliff is taken off the streets
    -Hindley (Cathrines Brother) grows Jelous
    -Cathrine and Heathcliff begin to like eachother a lot more.
  • Mr. Earnshaw dies

    Mr. Earnshaw dies
    He drinks himself to death and Heathcliff finds him in his chair in the chimney corner .
  • Hindley comes back from college

    Hindley comes back from college
    He comes back from college , has a new wife Frances .
    He also still has hostility to Heathcliff and takes it out on him .
  • Frances dies

    Hindley becomes extremely depressed.
    To try to cope with his depression he starts to drink excessively.
    He becomes an alcoholic and is an awful father figure for Heathcliff and Catherine.
  • Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering Heights.

    Heathcliff runs away after hearing Cathrine talking to nelly and she said some things that upset Heathcliff.
    She got engaged to Edgar.
    With Heathcliff and Cathrine , feeling the way they did before it really affected him.
    Cathrine goes after him and looks all night but by the time she gets home she is sick.
  • Cathrine and Edgar get Married

    Cathrine and Edgar get Married
    -Cathrine doesn't truely love edgar but marries him anyways in spite of Heathcliffs departure.
    -This creates tension between he and heathcliff
    -Heathcliff feels the need to exact revenge on Edgar.
  • Heathcliff and Isabella get married

    Heathcliff and Isabella get married
    Heathcliff marries Isabella in revenge on Edgar.
    Edgar disowns Isabella
    Heathcliff's true colors starts to show after they are married
  • Cathrine becomes pregnant

    She also comes down with a brain sickness.
  • Isabella flee's and Hindley dies

    Isabella flee's and Hindley dies
    Isabella flees to london and gives birth to her son Linton
    When Hindley dies , Heathcliff inhearits Wuthering Heights
  • Little Cathrine is born , but the mother dies

    Little Cathrine is born , but the mother dies
    She gives birth to cathrine (baby girl)
    and her sickness progresses Cathrine( Mother) , dies.
  • Linton and Catherine form a romance

  • Forced Marrige and Deaths

    Cathrine is imprisoned and is being forced to mary linton under Heathcliffs demands.
    Edgar Linton dies
    Linton dies
    Heathcliff assumes control of Thrushcross Grange.
    Lockwood rents Grange from Heathcliff and begins to be a tenant
    In a winter storm, Lockwood takes ill and begins conversing with Nelly Dean.
  • Heathcliff dies

    Heathcliff dies
    i infer from a broken heart (mini flashback trailer)
  • Cathrine and Harlton get married

  • Emily Jane is born in Thorton

    Emily Jane is born in Thorton
  • The Family move to Haworth Parsonage

    The Family move to Haworth Parsonage
    Which is also the setting for her book Wuthering Heights
  • Emily's Mother Dies

    She dies of Cancer.
  • Her Dad brings her toy soldiers

    Her Dad brings her toy soldiers
    This is what inspired her writing , when she made little stories for the toy soldiers.
  • Her and her sister start looking for publishers

    Her and her sister start looking for publishers
    They look for publishers so they can publish three books that Emily had writtin over time
  • Wuthering Heights and Anges Grey are accepted for publishg

    Wuthering Heights and Anges Grey are accepted for publishg
    for her own exspense though.
  • Both Wuthering Heights and Anges Grey are published

    Both Wuthering Heights and Anges Grey are published
    The review for Wuthering heights weren't very possitive beccause it challanged the morals of that time.
  • Emily becomes sick

    Emily becomes sick
    She was suffering from consumption but refused to be treated.
  • Emily Bronte Dies

    Emily Bronte Dies
    As Emily was sitting on her sofa awaiting her death her last few words she used some humor, "if you will send for a doctor, I will see him now."