Wuthering Heights

  • Mr. Earnshaw brings Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights

    Mr. Earnshaw brings Heathcliff to Wuthering Heights
  • Mrs. Earnshaw dies when Hindley is 15 and Catherine is 7.

    Mrs. Earnshaw dies when Hindley is 15 and Catherine is 7.
  • Mr. Earnshaw dies and Hindley returns from college with his wife Frances to care for the manor.

    Mr. Earnshaw dies and Hindley returns from college with his wife Frances to care for the manor.
  • Catherine starts spending time at Thrushcross Grange with Isabella and Edgar

    Catherine starts spending time at Thrushcross Grange with Isabella and Edgar
  • Hareton Earnshaw is born and Frances dies

    Hareton Earnshaw is born and Frances dies
  • Edgar proposes to Catherine and she accepts. Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering Heights.

    Edgar proposes to Catherine and she accepts. Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering Heights.
  • Catherine and Edgar get married.

    Catherine and Edgar get married.
  • Heathcliff returns and conflicts with Edgar. He spends time with Isabella and Catherine.

    Heathcliff returns and conflicts with Edgar. He spends time with Isabella and Catherine.
  • Heathcliff elopes with Isabella.

    Heathcliff elopes with Isabella.
  • Heathcliff and Isabella return to live in Wuthering Heights.

    Heathcliff and Isabella return to live in Wuthering Heights.
  • Catherine dies while giving birth to Young Catherine.

    Catherine dies while giving birth to Young Catherine.
  • Isabella moves to London where she gives birth to Linton Heathcliff.

    Isabella moves to London where she gives birth to Linton Heathcliff.
  • Hindley dies and Heathcliff takes over Wuthering Heights.

    Hindley dies and Heathcliff takes over Wuthering Heights.
  • Young Catherine meets Hareton at Wuthering Heights.

    Young Catherine meets Hareton at Wuthering Heights.
  • Isabella dies and Heathcliff demands Linton to be taken to Wuthering Heights.

    Isabella dies and Heathcliff demands Linton to be taken to Wuthering Heights.
  • Young Catherine meets Heathcliff and Linton, who guilts her into seeing him secretly.

    Young Catherine meets Heathcliff and Linton, who guilts her into seeing him secretly.
  • Young Catherine marries Linton.

    Young Catherine marries Linton.
  • Edgar dies

    Edgar dies
  • Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights

    Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights