Thales - 620 BC
first one to come up with the name atom -
Democritus 440 BC
came up with atomic theory, cutting the cheese experiment -
Aristotle 340 BC
didn't believe in the atom theory -
Sir Isaac Newton
Came up with an atomic theory -
John Dalton
Came up with Atomic therory
Atomic Theory experiment -
Henri Becequerel
discovered radioactivity
Uranium experiment -
JJ Thomson
Came up with the plum pudding model
Discovered electron
Uranium experiment -
Robert Millikan
Oul drip experiment'
Gold Foul Experiment -
Niels Bohr
electrons have cetain paths to follow -
Francis Aston
identified isotopes
invented mass spectograph -
Erwin Schrodeinger
Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
used math equations to find the probabulity of an electron would be in a certain position -
James Chadwick
discovered neutron