Writers React Assignment

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    Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch Trials occurred between 1692-1693. More than 200 people were accused of witchcraft, and around 20 were executed, eventually the colony admitted that the trials were a mistake and gave compensation to the families of those convicted. This event effected Americans by showing them not to believe in fantasy and it gave them the information in order to rationalize their thoughts away from witchcraft and the like.
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    Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War was the war for American Independence, it was the Thirteen Colonies in the Americas against Great Britain. This event impacted the people in the Americas by showing them that they could be free and in turn they gave enlightenment ideas to others and this started the Enlightenment Era with all the Revolutions popping up and taking down the old regimes power and gave it to the hands of the new ones, this showed Americans freedom impacting them to this very day.
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    Industrial Revolution

    This event was essentially the period in which America had all the resources in the world and were manufacturing goods with the help of machines, it started in Europe and eventually transmitted itself into the Americas. This event shaped America as we know it today, it gave us all our modern technology and is arguably still going on even today.
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    Trail of Tears

    This event was the relocation of most Native Americans to the places they live today. Often spoken of as a tragedy, this event helped us learn from are mistakes and never alienate anyone ever again. It helped us progress to the stage we are at today, ultimately shaping the borders to the way they are now.
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    Spanish American War

    This war was a war in which where Spain lost here possessions on mainland America to the Americans. It helped for the country that America is today giving us land like Arizona, Texas, and some parts of New Mexico.
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    World War 1

    This war gave us isolationism towards Europe, ultimately shifting our approach to World War 2. This led to many disastrous events such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which would have never happened if we had joined the war early. This event gave us the mentality of stay out of European conflict.
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    Prohibition was the ban of alcohol in America. It impacted America by showing the people how the world was going to be, alcohol ridden. Alcohol is everywhere in America, now and then.
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    World War 2

    This event was the second major outbreak of global conflict. It used all of the combined things that Americans had known, the Industrial Revolution, the Abolition of Slavery, and the most important event the development of nuclear weapons, which defined an entire generation of American conflict.
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    Vietnam war

    This war cause all three countries we were fighting in to become Communist. The Red Scare was one of the big reasons we were in this war, and it showed America that it was not invincible, and it also gave our relationship with Vietnam that we still have today.
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    Microsoft was a company in which headed by the famous Bill Gates made great leaps into most modern computer technology, they gave us computers as we know them today. This impacted America with the introduction to the internet and video games.