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Wrap up
John Cage
One of the most influential electronic music names of all time, John Cage was able to spread his music through more than few genres different genres of music. -
Les Paul
Les Paul was another mind blowing inventor that changed the game for not only electronic music, but all music. -
Leon Theremin was a russian scientist who from a very young age was creating things. He created the very first synthesizer, and later named it after himself -
Max Mathews
Also known as the "Father of Music", Max Mathews also created many genertation changing platforms and developments to boost electronic music. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Mathews -
Ondes Martenot
After the Theremin came out, many more inventors wanted to follow suite and create their own electronic musical invention. This one, the Ondes Martenot, is very similar to the theremin in sound, but the Martenot has a much bigger variety of sounds to use. -
Illiac Suite for String Quartet
This instrument was huge, heavy, and therefore not very practical. It weighed 3 tons and it was 20 feet wide, and took vehicles to transport it anywhere. -
The Beetles
The beetles might have been the biggest band of all time, and they changed what music would very quickly become. -
Moog Synth
The Moog was created in 1964, and was again based off the theremin and its after makes. -
Buchla Synthesizer
The Buchla was the west coast synth while the moog was the east coast synth. Both of these synth's has a huge impact on electronic music. https://buchla.com/history/ -
Mark Applebaum
Mark Applebaum was another great inventor of multiple generation leading musical instruments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Applebaum -
Music stand for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. https://blog.landr.com/what-is-midi/