• The Birth of Stephen Wozniak

  • College

    Wozniak enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley. He dropped out after one year in order to pursue his passion for electronics!
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Woz created his first computer known as the "Cream Soda Computer" alongside Bill Fernendez
  • Before Apple

    Before Apple
    Wozniak started working at Hewlett-Packard (HP) as a calculator designer
  • New Beginnings

    New Beginnings
    Wozniak attends the first meeting of the Homebrew Computer Club. This is where he meets Steve Jobs.
  • Apple Inc.

    Apple Inc.
    Wozniak and Jobs co-found Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) in Jobs' parents' garage. They also released the Apple I computer.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple released the Apple II, designed by Wozniak. This becomes a major success which established Apple as a huge player in the personal computer industry.
  • Apple III

    Apple III
    Woz completed the design for Apple III. This computer was intended for business users. It faced technical issues and commercial challenges.
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Wozniak is involved in a plane crash. He was piloting this plane and he sustained serious injuries. Woz had to temporarily leave his role at Apple.
  • The Return

    The Return
    Wozniak returns to Apple after 2 years of recovering from the crash. He returns as a product developer and engineer. He contributed to the Macintosh project.
  • Saying Goodbye :(

    Saying Goodbye :(
    Woz resigns from Apple. He still remains an honorary employee, still getting a salary. He left in order to pursue other things and wanted a more engineering-focused role where he wasn't also running a fast-growing business.
  • Winner!!

    Both Woz and Steve Jobs received the National Medal of Technology from US President Ronald Reagan, the country's highest honor for achievements related to technological progress.
  • After Apple

    After Apple
    After leaving Apple, Woz co-founded CL-9. This company focused on developing remote control products.
  • Autobiography

    2006: Wozniak publishes his autobiography, "iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It," detailing his life and contributions to technology.
  • What is he doing now?

    What is he doing now?
    Wozniak co-founded Efforce, a blockchain-powered company that helps organizations reduce energy consumption using NFTs.